chapter six

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Hi again, here's the next part of the story!!!!

Doggie xxx

Chapter six---------

"She came back?" I over-heard Shannon talking to Niall and Louis. I heard them reply but I didnt hear what they said. Shannon burst into the kitchen and smiled. "MIRANDA!!!!!!!!" she cried, and gave me a huge hug.

I smiled happily and gave my twin a twirl. I missed my twin so much, but there wasnt anything I could do other than come back to my home, back to the place where I belonged.

"Im sorry," I said, "I never knew how painful it could be to be away from the people you love, even if they do make you upset in one way or another. But the best and goodest thing is that they will always love you, whatever you do, good or bad, big or small, and that they will always have you back when you return."

Shannon wiped away a tear from her eye, and looked down at the floor. "Im sorry we upset you, we didnt mean to, and you left us all worried sick, especially Niall. He cares about you so much Miranda, even if you didnt know that, because you love Louis, but you've got to understand where I am getting my points from dont you?" asked Shannon.

I nodded. Deep down I felt like a bad person and I regretted running away, but ln some ways I didnt regret it. I knew what Louis did was so bad to me and I really hope that he never does it again, he worried me, he made me feel bad.

He ruined my life, he broke my heart because of what he did. I bet if Mum and Dad were here now, it would never of happened. I would never of ended up living with One Direction, and then my other identical sister would never of died.

I had actually been an identical triplet, the last triplet was called Gemma Starling. She was the best triplet I could of ever asked for, but she too died in the car crash with my parents. She had been so nice to me, always there when I needed her

Harry from One Direction had been in love with her. He tried everything he could to bring her back. He had been at the car crash too, a witness to be exact. He tried to save her, but he was too late to save her.

He had never been the same nice the day of the crash, he had always been noisy and bubbly around everyone. Then he had been all quiet and lost and alone for a while, when she had gone.

On the day of the crash, I was upset so much that I lost my closest sister, but at least I still Shannon and Zayn, but it wasnt the same without her. I enjoyed all the time that I had with her and I was glad that I did have that time with her when I did.

"Are you ok?" asked Zayn, realising that I had been quiet for the last 10 minutes


Thats all for now, I got to go and do some stuff. Update soon!

Doggie xxx

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