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--- Today I received a salary .- Tris said when we had dinner.
--- As many as eight dollars?
--- Actually, no. I raised my salary because no one else wanted to go there to work.
--- This is not surprising. Who would have come up with this idea? Work as a librarian.
--- This is not such a bad job, given the fact that I am a student and travel to the city is forbidden to me.
--- Well now, no. The father will sign the pass and voila .....
My phone rang.
I picked it up and quickly went out.
It was Janine.
--- Hello Hunter.
--- Come on, say what you need.
--- No need to be rude. It seems to me that everything drags on for too long. Doesn't it seem to you that it is time to send this mouse already? Have you already shot it, or should I take it from you?
--- Just try and you know what I will do with you .--- I snapped .--- I will do everything myself. We agreed with you, it seems ....
--- I remember. I already want a film. I give you a few days so that you give me the cameras.
--- I have everything in my hands. I did everything. Now it’s your turn. And keep in mind, don’t delay.
--- Are you talking about duty?
--- It is about him. After you receive the camera, you will forget my number and address. Do you understand?
--- Well, after all, we agreed. I will keep the promise.
--- Then bye. In the coming days you will get cameras.
I quickly dumped and returned to the kitchen.
--- Are you all already? --- I asked.
--- Yes. Hunter ....
I turned around.
--- Sorry, but I accidentally heard your conversation .....
---What are you talking about?
Oh shit. And what exactly did she hear? only this was not enough.
--- Just now. You talked with someone. Tell me, are you all right?
I went to her.
--- What exactly did you hear?
--- Well .... that you are all set and ......
I hugged her.
You need to lie something.
--- Tris, this is Landon. He asked me to find an order for him, but I forgot. And now he is angry with me. I told him that the orders are in my hands, that's why everything is fine.
She hugged me.
It seems like a ride.

When I went out of the shower, Tris stood by the door.
--- Do you want together? --- I asked.
she slipped through me and closed.
“That's not right, Tris.” I shouted and knocked on the door.
I went into the room and lay down on the bed.
Then Tris came into the bedroom.
Your mother. What is her underwear .....
It's just awesome.
--- Tris? - It seems that my speech has taken away.
she slowly comes to me, and I see how her nipples shine through the net.
“How do you like it?” She asked.
How am I? Yes, I would fuck you and fuck you non-stop.
--- You are very sexy.
I held out my hands and took her hips.
--- When did you manage ....... Oh yes, at the mall.
she smiled and I pulled her to me.
--- Do you know what I can do with you now?
--- What? --- she let out an erotic voice.
--- I will not gratify you, but just throw it on the table .....--- I kissed her stomach .-- and stick my penis so deep that you will beg me to stop.
“And if I don’t?” She said in an erotic voice.
--- Don't butt me, Tris.
Hands I squeezed her hips and she let out a groan.
--- I don’t butt, I just say that there won’t be supplication.
I abruptly got up, grabbed her by the hips and threw her onto me. I went into the living room, threw everything off the table with one hand and laid her belly down.
--- You have one last chance to stop me.
She shook her head, which meant no, and smiled.
I slapped her ass and she gasped .then again, but this time stronger and she moaned louder.
Then he pulled off her panties and she stayed in stockings and a little cub.
How I want her.
--- Last chance, Tris.
And I abruptly entered it. Rude, strong and fast.
I moved faster and faster, and she moaned louder and louder.
I beat her ass again and again. So there were red marks.
She screamed.
And in a moment she finished.
She lay on the table for a few more minutes, and then went to the shower.
I went outside and lit a cigarette.
--- It's cool here .--- Tris stood in the doorway.
---It is nice here.
she sat next to me and I hugged her.
--- I love you, Hunter.
I looked at her.

Today, when I was returning from the university, I broke a wheel in the city.
I stopped by my friend at the service station.
He exchanged it for me and poked around under the hood.
--- Old man, your swallow needs to be brought to the workshop more often.
---Something serious?
--- No. It’s just that you rarely come, and she needs a thicker courtship.
--- So maybe you can review it while I'm here?
--- It will take a lot of time.
--- Then start.
I stepped aside and wrote to Tris that I would be late.

Toward evening I left.
Tris must have been waiting for me.
I started calling her, but her phone was off.
I drove into the parking lot.
She was not near the university. I went to the library, there was nobody there either. Then to the campus. She is not there.
Where is your mother?
I dialed her again and again. But her phone was off.
The last place I went to was a cafe.
behind the bar stood this Claudia.
At first I wanted to find out from her if she had seen Tris. But she so ate me with a look that I just left.
Near the gate, I asked the guard if she was leaving.
And he said that she left in the afternoon.
Oh shit. Where could she go?
I traveled around the city floor. I went to the shopping center, cafe and even her shitty McDonald's.
But she was nowhere to be found.
It was dark outside.
I called her, but to no avail. The phone was off.
I dialed Janine.
--- Hunter. What a surprise.
--- Where is Tris?
---How should I know.
--- She is nowhere to be found. The guard says that she left in the afternoon. Janine where could she go? --- I yelled all the way to the street.
--- I have no idea. Maybe you went?
--- How? She has no car, and twenty kilometers on foot.
--- Then I do not know.
I dumped and sat on the curb.
Where are you Tris?
Where do I go?

Roundtrip(18+) On behalf of Hunter GreenWhere stories live. Discover now