Tomato Red

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Team Dark was on a mission. Their mission was to retrieve an emerald that had been located somewhere in the forest.

"Keep your eyes open, it could be anywhere." Shadow ordered, to which Rouge and Omega nodded in acknowledgement.

The three continued walking through the forest. Rouge and Omega had communicators to help find the emerald, while Shadow could merely just sense it's power.

"It's somewhere around this area." He announced. "Let's split up and look around. We should be able to find it in no time."

"Right." Rouge and Omega confirmed, setting off on their own different paths to find the emerald.

Shadow continued on his own path, his Chaos sense getting stronger, letting him know he was getting closer to the emerald. His path eventually led him to a little hole in the ground. He could sense the Chaos Energy coming from it.

Shadow knelt down and carelessly stuck his hand in the hole, not worried about snakes or other venomous animals that could be inhabiting it. He was the Ultimate Lifeform. He could handle a little venom.

He felt his hand touch something smooth and hard. He could feel the energy wrapping around his hand.

"Aha! Gotcha!"

Shadow grabbed the emerald in his hand, and just as he was about to pull it out, something bit his hand.

"Ouch!" The ebony hedgehog yelped as he pulled his hand out, along with the shiny white Chaos Emerald. "What the hell?"

Suddenly, something came rustling out of the hole, hissing angrily at the black and red hedgehog, furious that it's home had been so rudely disturbed.

At first glance, Shadow thought it was some weird black cat, until the animal turned and he realized in horror that it had a white stripe going down it's back and tail.

"Oh no!" He gasped as the animal lifted its tail.

It was mid afternoon when a knock came from the door of the shared house of Sonic and Shadow. Sonic got up from the couch, pausing his show, Supernatural, before heading to the door. When he opened it, Rouge was standing there with an amused grin on her face.

"Oh hey Rouge." The blue hedgehog greeted the white bat. "What are you doing here?"

"Just came by to say that the mission was a success." Rouge said to him. "We found the white Chaos Emerald and Towers has it now."

"Oh, well that's good." Sonic nodded, then tried to look behind her. "Is Shadow with you? Did he come back?"

Rouge was so very obviously trying not to laugh.

"Oh he's here alright." Rouge chuckled. "Though I wouldn't let him into the house just yet."

"What? Why not?"

"I'll let you ask him. Just try not to get too close."

And with that, the bat took off, laughing.

Sonic stood there a moment, watching the bat in confusion. Shrugging it off, he looked back forward and saw his ebony boyfriend, standing a few feet away from the house.

One look at him, and Sonic could tell that something was wrong.

Shadow had his arms crossed over his chest, but it was more tense than usual. His ears were pinned to his head as he hung his head, his dull ruby eyes staring at the ground, a bright red blush covering his face. His legs were crossed shyly, and his tail hung between his legs.

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