Eight - "The beach...really?"

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"The beach...really?"

She looks at me and rolls her eyes. "Get the stuff out the trunk will ya" She pops the trunk and I see a bag filled with sandwiches and other food and my mouth waters. She comes around and grabs a huge blanket while I grab the food and we head out to the beach. We walk for a few minutes until Sara's satisfied we've found a good place to chill. We place the blanket down and there's enough room for both us and the food. Just as we're getting comfortable she jumps up and starts heading back in the direction of her car. I'm about to shout and ask her where she's going but I don't bother, she'll be back I think. 5 minutes later she's back and grinning so wide I can't help but to laugh. "What?" She looks at me and raises two objects on either side of her, "I got chairs". I realize that she brought fold up chairs and I'm thinking great idea. "Awesome". I notice that it's still chilly because it's not even noon yet and I think to myself (why did I leave my house again), oh yeah my scumbag of a father. We sit in silence and have a snack or two and then I look at Sara she has her eyes closed but she's smiling so I know she's not asleep. "What are you doing?" She turns her head to me and than after a few seconds opens her eyes and says, "listening" and closes her eyes again. "You're a weird chick Sara..." She opens her eyes and sees me looking at her expectantly and she rolls her eyes, "Matthews" and I smirk Sarah Matthews, (nice) I think to myself.

Half an hour later she's reading and I'm going out of mind with the silence. "So your not gonna ask?", I say. She stops readings and asks, "what?" I stare at her, she sighs and says, "I seem to recall a certain someone biting my head off when I asked if he was okay." I wince thinking about this morning, "Sorry" I say sheepishly. "It's okay", she says. "Actually you know what it's not okay, you woke me up and without question I came to get you and I barely know you. I may not be entitled to the whole story but I deserve a bit more respect than what you gave me." I stare at her dumbfounded, she didn't even yell at me and I feel like I've been hit. I feel so guilty and embarrassed, "Remind me not to get on your bad side", I say under my breath.

She sighs, "I'm not mad I just had to say that, I had to to be honest." I look up at her and she doesn't seem mad so hesitantly I ask, "Soooo we're okay than?" She smiles, "Yeah we are" I smile back, "I really am sorry, thank you for coming to get me. I know we just met but your the first person I thought of...and the only person I know in this town." She bumps her shoulder with mine, "You're forgiven and I get it, you needed to get out the house and luckily enough you met me" she laughs. I laugh with her, tough, fair and forgiving... I like this girl.

"So just so I'm clear you called me to talk or to help you forget why you need to talk?" I think for a second and I say, "Honestly... both". She crosses her legs and looks at me and says, "20 questions...and don't ask me what my favourite colour is or if I'm a virgin, be original" I smirk, "This should be interesting...ladies first."

(Side note; the bolded questions are Drew's questions for Sara)

"Where do you see yourself in 10 years? Seriously if you had no obstacles in your way and you could do anything or be anyone what or who would you be?"

I think about it for a second, "Honestly I wish I knew I guess I've just never been lucky enough to find that thing that defines me, that thing that makes me want to get up in the morning, you know." She looks at me thoughtfully and than says, "You're up."

What's the best compliment you've ever received?

She thinks about it for a few seconds and than says, "Well there's not just one...when I write something that tugs on someone's heartstrings, or opens there eyes to something, or makes them feel better and they tell me that... it's the best thing in the world, knowing that my words have the ability to provoke feelings and change lives." I look at her shocked, "I had no idea you wrote... that's amazing" She smiles and says, "You never asked...okay my turn! Suddenly she turns very serious and I feel a little scared about she's going to ask next. 

This is serious...Pineapple on pizza, yes or no?

I look at her with a serious face and say, "Whoever came up with it should win a medal" And we laugh, "I might just keep you yet", she says and I smirk. "Okay my turn".

Do you plan on having kids, yes or no and explain why?

"Simple answer yes, because I want to know what it's like to love someone without conditions. I want to experience love at first sight and I believe I will have that when I have kids and it'll be beautiful. I would like a boy first and third so that I can give my little girl everything I wanted but never had. I might even adopt, who knows what the future holds."

I'm gonna steal your question, do you see kids in your future?

"Honestly I don't know...sometimes I think yeah I could be a great dad one day and other days I'm just scared I'll end up like my father. But ultimately I think if I meet the right woman and she makes me a better man or at least makes me feel that way, pushes me to be better, is my best friend and I'm completely in love with her, I think I would want to create more versions of her to love me...that sounds creepy I just mean that I'd feel safe having kids if I knew that the mother would be able to help me turn them into decent human beings and our kids would grow up seeing how in love we are."

I look out into the ocean and I realize it's gotten darker, (we must have lost track of time) I think. I turn to Sara to tell her this and realize she's staring at me. "What?" She looks startled like she was in a daze and says, "Nothing... let's finish this later huh. It's getting late." She starts packing up but I stay seated, she stops and looks at me. "You're gonna have to go home eventually you know." I don't look at her, "Yeah I know", but I don't get up. She sighs really loud and I look at her, "I have an idea." We pack up everything, put everything in her truck and then she goes to the back and pulls out two bags of marshmallows and two sticks. I smile and she looks at me, "Come on" We walk back down to the beach a little further than where we were sitting all day and I see a campfire. We find some sticks and put it in a campfire and than I realize we need a fire, "Do you have a match?" She turns to me and puts her hand on her hip, "What you don't know how to rub two sticks together?" I look at her baffled and she laughs then she turns again and pulls out matches from her bag and lights a fire. We sit on the same log and look up at the stars as the fire warms our bodies. 

She's currently eating a marshmallow when I ask, "What's your idea of a perfect date?

She looks at me with the marshmallow still in her mouth, "Whutt?" But I just look at her expectantly, she finishes eating her marshmallow than says, "I thought we were done with 20 questions for the day" I shrug and turn towards the fire, waiting for her answer. 

"As cliche as it sounds, I want to be taken to a fancy dinner...maybe Italian, where I can dress up and he'll be wearing a suit. Than I want to wind down the evening by going to a jazz/poetry cafe and I want him to ask me to dance. And when I go to bed at night I want to remember the gentle way he held me and not the kiss at the end of the night. Cheesy I know, don't make fun" she laughs. 

"What about you, what's your idea of a perfect date? I smile and say, "As long as the company's great, who cares." And I pull out my phone and put on some Leon Bridges and I give her my hand.

She looks at me and shakes her head, "Nope can't dance", she laughs. I pull her up and keep a respectable distance between us but close enough and say, "I thought you took ballroom" She looks at me and laughs, "Yeah in grade 5!" I laugh and say, "Well your doing just fine" and we dance the night away, cheek to cheek.

Baby, baby, baby
I'm coming home
To your tender loving
You're my one and only woman
The world leaves a bitter taste
in my mouth, girl
You're the only one that I want

I wanna be around
I wanna be around you girl
I wanna be around, girl
Ooh I wanna be around girl

--------------------------------------------------------------------- I hope you guys enjoyed this super long chapter. I think it's one of the best ones yet. Please leave a comment, vote and share with your friends and fellow readers.  Be on the lookout for the Epilogue!

Love, D 🥀

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