explanation pt. 2

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Jaemin put his phone on his nightstand and thought about what to do.
But then his hotel roommate knocked on the door .
Jaemin: who is it?

Jeno: it's me Jeno...

then there was silence

Jeno: Nana please open the door I wanna say sorry

there was silence again but then Jaemin opened the door and hid himself under the blanket.

Jeno: Nana please talk to me~

Jaemin: ...

Jeno: I know you dont wanna talk but I just wanna say sorry for what Haechan and I did

Jeno: Nana I love you and I would never do something like that again

Jeno wanted to go to the bathroom but was stopped by his boyfriend backhugging him.

Jaemin: Nono~

Jeno turned to look at Jaemin's cute face.
Jaemin then looked at Jeno.

Jaemin: I accept your appology. I love you~

Jeno then hugged Jaemin.

Jeno: I love you too

later on...

Jeno: Nana I wanna cuddle you~

Jaemin: what did I say about three hours ago?

Jeno: no cuddling for a week....
Jeni said with a pout.

Jaemin kinda felt bad for Jeno so he cuddled Jeno.

Jaemin: you smell fresh~

Jeno: I always smell nice
Jeno said with a smirk

we got that boom boom boom boom boom!
thank you for reading my book🙈💕

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