Part 1 : Pilot

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*city noises

/  / = Your thoughts

(  ) =Actions

(*Turns your head to see the ocean)

"Y/n have you been waiting here for a long time?" Suran said.

SURAN = A old friend of yours that go to the same school as you

"No I haven't i just got here"you replied.

"Oh okay, let's get going " (you nod your head in response). /You spaced out thinking about the ocean, it's beautiful/

(You Are not in this Position, just the sky and ocean) PHOTO FROM Anime NAGI NO ASUKARA

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(You Are not in this Position, just the sky and ocean) PHOTO FROM Anime NAGI NO ASUKARA

"hello? Y/n we are here"Suran said.

"(*Sigh you look up to the building that is as  high as a tower with the ocean behind it and sunrising) Why are we here for again?"

"Too look back at our memories we had here, after you left I was sad and had no one".

"But I'm here now, Suran".

"RIGHT, just stay here for a bit"



"Suran, can we go now"

"Wait y/n just a bit more".
/You hear 2 men laughing behind you guys/.
(Turn your head around)

"Oh, Suran,Y/N (run towards you guys) it's been a few years hasn't it"

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