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Nai pov
These past few months, the boys have been treating me differently. It's like they don't care about me anymore. Like I'm invisible to them. It really hurts me because whenever I speak to them they either yell at me, tell me to go away, or ignore me. It's just sad. See watch.

"Hey....ummm guys I was uhm wondering if we could you know go to fright fest today?" I asked walking up to them. They didn't answer.they were to busy watching football with their friends and hoes." did you guys hear me?" I said a little louder but they cut the tv up. See what I mean. I tapped blue shoulder." excuse me blue but can we-" I got cut off by a sharp pain in my face. He hit me. I looked up and he was looking at me with a blank expression. They paused the tv and their friends looked shocked and sorry.
"I don't give a fuck. We don't want her here anymore. She means nothing to us." blue yelled back and my cousins and Levi. I just shook my head. I can't take this anymore. This is the last straw. especially because he just put his hands on me. My own blood. Smh. I just ran up to my room and took a shower. I got out and lotion myself up and put on my baby blue long sleeve button down shirt, black leggings, my timberlands, and a black beanie. I packed all of my stuff up and put food my charger and laptop in my mini colorful bookbag. I threw all my suitcases outside on my blowup bed. Y'all are probably wondering 'why in the hell she got a blow up bed outside'. Well one for reasons like this and two just for fun. I took one more look at the room and felt as if I was forgetting somethings . I went under my bed and pulled out a box with a lot of memories and another box that had like 2mill dollars in it. Yassss!! Ya girl ballin. I grabbed my shades, my purse, my keys and my boxes and headed out the window. I took all my luggages and put it in my range rover and drive to my nice big penthouse. I'll still be going to the same school and stuff but I just didn't wanna be there with those people I call my 'family'. Family my ass! I pulled up to my penthouse that was already furnished and unpacked my clothes. After about a hour and a half, I was finished.

"This is going to be a good start" I said to myself.
~~~~~Ñęxt Dæÿ at 7o'clock~~~~
I woke up and got ready for school. Today we had a pep rally. I honestly didn't want to go because I knew THEY would be there but I can't just bail on my team. I washed up and brushed my teeth. I threw on my Highschool cheer uniform and put on my white shoes to match. I threw my now red hair in a long ponytail that stopped mid back and put my big blue, black, and white cheer bow on. I put on some foundation and blush because the mark that blue gave me was still there and it turned blue and purple. I grabbed my keys, phone, purse, and bookbag and headed to school.
~~~~~~~~at pep rally.~~~~~~~
They pep rally had started and the stands were PACKED! People even had to sit on the floor. People in the pep rally had different things they were suppose to do. My job was to cheer, dance, speak to the audience a couple of times and sang a song for bullying purposes. I looked in the crowd and seen them at the very top with their friends and they would occasionally look at me but I would look away. There's no way in hell that I'm going back to them. Our principal walked up to the podium and tried to get everyone quiet but they wouldn't listen so she looked at us. We nodded and each grabbed microphones.
"SHUT THE HECK UP! PLEASE AND THANK YOU!!!!" we screamed. Everybody got quiet and looked at us. We put our pointer fingers to our lips telling them to be quiet.

"Thank you ladies." our principal smiled. We nodded and sat down.
"Hello everyone. Welcome to our highschool pep rally. Today we will have lots of fun. We will have our high school cheer leaders and dance team do there thang and have our fellow classmates singing. There will be skits and plays and much more but before that starts please welcome our highschool school cheerleaders naiome lee and diamond prater." she clapped. when she said our names the whole room went wild. you got girls singin 'go nai nai! go nai nai go! go nai nai! go nai nai go!' and then you have the usual boys screaming and whistling. Same ole same ole. We made our way to the podium and told them to calm down.

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