creepy sleepy lol

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we had all showered and were in joggers an stuff lmao. we all climbed into our beds at this point it was like half 1 in the morning and i didn't wanna be tired for the watersorts we were doing the next day. So ye we went to sleep i guess, we were all pretty tired...

Callies pov

I was woken up by someone moving, i opened my eyesa  and moved my curtains. everyones curtains were closed so i couldnt see who it was that was moving. maybe someone was just turning over but then i saw the back of someone leaning into spencers bed. It was a boy, ummmm i ddint think he was into that, i thought he was into me sniff sniff lol. i cloed my curtain bc i didnt want to see that. not that i ddint support that, i do fully but like i liked him so i didnt want him to kiss anyone else :(. 

I heard a scream just as i was drifting back to sleep and i threw my cutain back, lots of curtain mentioning in this lolll. it came from spencer, idk how i knew but lke i did ok coool. i ran over to see the quiet guy, the name i ha for him, over spencer taping his mouth shut. 'UMM HELLO' I shouted. Eva was deffinitly still asleep, she slept through anything. I pushed quite guy off Spencer and he tried to get back at me. i looked above spencers bed to see if Payton was there to help but he wasnt dickhead. i drew his curtain back. he was still asleep too, i slapped him in the face to wake him up, wtf it didnt work lmao.  oh well. i grabbed quiet guy by the wrist and swung him and then let go so he went crasing onto my bed. It made a loud bang next to Eva's head so she woke up finally lol.

Eva's POV

I woke up by a loud bang 'yooooooo shut the fuck up.' i said. i opened my curtain and swung my head down so that i could look at callie who i think made the noise. 

'BROOOOO YOUR NOT CALLIE LOL.' i said. i looked up to see callie looking distressed and spencer with tape over his mouth. i relised the situation bc im sHeRlOck hOlMeS epic. i jumped down on top of creepy dude, my name for him, and held him on the bed. 'Callie go get someone lol.' i lolled. why can i never be serious helppppp. i stayed sat on creepy guy until i felt something jab into my side. no it wasn't a knife dw but it was solid. i looked down.

'A GUN WTF, BRO ARE U PLANNING TO SHOOT ME BECAUSE I SWEAR TO GOD I WILL HAUNT YOU.' I screamed. Callie came sprinting in with 3 teachers behind her. Creepy guy moves so he had his hand round my neck and he pointed the gun at my head. 'BROOOOSKI GET OFF M CREEEEP,' I shouted. 

'Move and she dies.' he said, his voice was realllyyyy high.

'LMAOOOO WHY DO U SOUND THAT LIKE THAT.' 'Your literally 16 bro...' 

'IM GONNA SHOOT YOU.' he shouted in my ear. 

And then i hear gunshot...

Hi this dramatic and bad sorry lol

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