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     "Today the sun rises and the bay winds are as pleasant as ever! The temperatures today will be a crisp seventy two with only a ten percent humidity! Get out there and enjoy the sun, the beach is waiting! Unless you work that is. No luck for you guys," the radio blared over the rushing waves of the Garrus Ocean with the call of seagulls accompanying it. A standing umbrella was perched above a plastic lawn chair, its color matching that of the sparse clouds above. The sky mirrored the glistening blue beauty of the ocean, crashing waves creating a song of summer in unison with the children's laughing among the many people at the beach.

     Sitting in the lawn chair, staring out to the Garrus in awe, a wide blue eyed girl with a white bonnet over her golden hair smiled warmly as a group of kids donning swimsuits ran by, chasing after a red ball one of them had accidentally kicked a bit too hard. The girl made sure to pull her dress up just enough so it didn't brush the scorching sand, not wanting to upset her parents over getting it dirty in anyway. She watched as one of the boys in the group, stopped to admire the waters of the horizon, then turned to see her watching him. He had black hair, something extremely uncommon for the Syncaire Kingdom, and a long scar that stretched from the left side of his waist to his right collarbone.

     Waving at him happily, the girl was unsure of where he was from with hair like that, but he was friendly enough to give a small wave back which was enough for her to know he had a place here. Caught in her thoughts, she didn't even see the tall, black suited man stride up next to her. His long blond hair blew wonderfully in the sea breeze, the individual strands each with their own majestic feel to them. He peered down to the girl, hands behind his back, eyes closed behind his circular rimmed glasses.

     "My lady, the king wishes you back home before lunch," he said, his voice as soothing as his appearance would have anyone believe.

     "Oh right! I forgot the time. I apologize Mr. Connor," she hopped up front her chair, folding the umbrella back up with the man's help and carrying the three items with her to the black limousine waiting by the street ahead. The beach didn't have a dedicated parking lot, that being something the city was working out in its spare time, so most walked to the seaside from their homes or lots close by. A circular building with a sturdily built straw roof was a place with bathrooms and a small window that had cooks behind it, cooking various comfort food delicacies for those enjoying the sun.

     Stepping into the back seat of the limo, ducking her head so she didn't hit her forehead on the frame like she had before, Princess Syncaire made sure to brush off the sand from her legs before stepping into the exquisitely spotless vehicle. The door closed next to her and Mr. Connor entered the driving seat ahead, starting the engine and merging into the right lane. They drove through the seaside estates, large houses with decks overlooking the gorgeous ocean, several of the housewives in the front yard gardening or watching over their children.

     "How was your time at the beach, Miss Syncaire?" Mr. Connor asked from the front seat, his eyes switching from the road in front of him to the rearview mirror so he could see the Princess.

     "Amazing! The water was pretty and the sky was so cool. I waved at a boy and he waved back too," she explained, rocking her head from side to side to the catchy synth pop song playing from the car speakers.

     "Oh?" The driver raised an eyebrow, deciding to tease her a little, "one worthy of being called prince?"

     "Nooo!" The princess shouted, her face flushed, "he was different from all of the others,"

     "How so? Taller?" Mr. Connor chuckled at her response, turning into the main city.

     "I don't think so. His hair was black and he had a scar across his whole body," she said, bringing the smile down to concern on the man's face.

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