Part Three: Banquet For A Pilot

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     Morning arrived with birds chirping about the trees, a cloudless day followed the pilot awakening in his bed. He carefully sat up and stretched his arms above his head, swinging his legs out from under his black blankets and standing, heading to the bathroom in his brick red boxers to take a leak. He flipped the light switch of his main room after washing his hands, going to his fridge to prepare breakfast, only realizing when he opened the appliance that his house was devoid of food. His stomach growled angrily and he sighed, finding a clean black shirt in the laundry basket at the foot of his bed and wearing the same pair of jeans he did yesterday.

     The man grabbed a pair of socks, tied his combat boots on, and grabbed his apartment key, walking out of his door and locking it twice just to be sure it actually did lock. A couple of times he had come back to it being unlocked after only locking it once, some kind of mechanical failure. Walking down the second story stairs, he stopped and looked to Amarra's door. He saw the time being 8am on the circular clock above his bed, so maybe she was awake. During Ed's visit yesterday, his friend told him to live life to the best of the pilot's ability if he really thought his luck was running out. So with that in mind, the man went right back upstairs to his apartment to grab his wallet from the empty space on the bookshelf he kept it on, completely forgetting h he had left it there in his morning daze.

     Ace double locked his door once again, walking down the stairs and going straight to Amarra's door. It was too early for him to feel nervous or think properly, knocking at her door three times. He turned his head to see construction workers arrive at their site in white pickup trucks, the beds filled to the brim with wood and tools. The pilot considered doing construction but his place was in the sky.

     The door to 1-12 opened with a wide awake Amarra surprised to see the black haired man standing there. She had short pajama shorts showing how slender and nice her legs were, and a white t-shirt with a sports bra underneath. Amarra was also without her glasses, making her eyes look a lot smaller, though not at all detracting from her overall cute appearance, even if her hair was a massive mess.

     "Hey, good morning," she said happily, "I wasn't expecting you to come to me at all,"

     "Morning. Had fun last night even if your sister was gone to the bottle, wanted to ask if you wanted to get something to eat," he said with a yawn, watching her face beam with glee when he finished asking. Amarra excitedly said yes, and went back into her home to change.

     Minutes later, she reappeared, wearing a teal summer dress with rose floral patterns covering it, white leggings on her legs and simple sandals for footwear. She had very quickly brushed her hair and retrieved her glasses, looking as adorable as possible. She held a white purse in her hands with everything she would need, the pilot very glad her outfit matched and wasn't the egregious mess from when he first met her. One day and already going on a little first date, Ed was going to be jealous when he told him later.

     The two began their walk down the neighborhood sidewalks, passing the gas station, talking about their favorite foods and books, pointing out similar tastes in music and movies. Neither of them mentioned where to go for breakfast, just enjoying each other's presence and voice while entering the more urban parts of Karris city.

     Crime rates were very low in the city so neither of the two felt the need to be armed walking along the tall business buildings and hotels, but low crime didn't stop the majority of the city's inhabitants to glare at him as they walked by. Nothing he wasn't used to, though Amarra looked really disappointed at how they all acted. The pilot couldn't have cared less about people's opinions of him, they had every right to believe what they did with statistics to back it up. Hellot Islanders were well known for committing felonies of varying degrees, so it was natural for many to be watchful when in the same vicinity as him.

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