Chapter 1

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Jack Frost Chilled my Heart

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The snowflakes blew for more than the first time that day as I made my way down the sidewalks of West Hershmire. It was the beginning of the winter season, and the shops windows’ reflections showed the need of people to stay indoors. Today was one of the few times the town was empty, signaling that the inches of snow last night proved too brutal to handle.

I sighed in contentment, though. It was cruelly cold, and wind was scattering snow over my boots with ferocity, but it was such a peaceful sight. Few of the stores were open aside from the bakery I went to daily; most of them had closed because of the cold, but Hershel’s stayed faithfully opened.

As I rounded the corner I could see the shop’s bell gleaming in the distance against the sparkles of the snow. The white fluff covered the entire town, setting a picture perfect background. Icicles spindled their way down awnings and touch the frost that has already branched its way across the windows, covering it in its beautiful lace of snow.

I didn’t know the scientific reasons for the sudden change in weather, but I felt satisfied reveling in the magic of the winter.

Glassy patches covered much of the sidewalk and I strayed from them, trying to remain upright.

The sun was making a dazzling appearance behind the heaps of snow and I couldn’t help but keep the smile that slipped onto my lips off.

Then, suddenly-the ground moves from underneath me.

I fall onto my butt and the air rushes out of my body as I rest on the cold slab of ice beneath me.

Wow, I think in surprise, completely mystified that I just fell.

“Are you alright?”

I startle at a cold rush of air but turn to the distanced voice. As I do, fresh snow begins to fall around me in great rushes-incredibly sudden.

I look up towards the voice.

I am struck into awe; two icy blue eyes electrify a ghostly pale face. I feel the quick breath I had regained since my fall vanish.

Oh my goodness.

His ice eyes were set into a hard face, a face of hard edges and protruding bone. His jaw was taunt, meeting his eyes with the same severity.

I stare at him standing on the corner of the street. His face was so white that it looked like it could blow away with the snow. He’s dressed in black jeans and a dark blue, thin hoodie; a combination that contrasted greatly in the bleak background.

I look at his outfit choice. I pull my scarf tighter around my cheeks.


I look down at the thin layer of ice, already splintering off. I quickly crawl off the slippery patch.

The guy is still there when I look up.

Everything about him seems to be darkening as he looks over me.

“Aren’t you cold?” I call out amicably when he seems to be harboring a murderous look.

“You should worry more about yourself, being on your knees and all,” he snarls, I look down to indeed find myself balancing atop of them on the sidewalk, “I heard being on them every night can have some nasty outcomes.”

There’s a gust of raging, bone chilling wind and I shield myself against it just in time.

I look back up right away and the guy is walking right past me, his hood having been blown down and bleached hair almost blending with his skin.

That’s when I notice the lip ring.

Like the bell at Hershel’s, it glimmers amongst the sun and I feel completely entranced by it. I have never physically seen someone with a lip piercing in my small world before, and it was so… enticing. It jutted out just over the bow of his right lower lip, and it looked…odd. In pictures, whenever I had seen someone with a lip piercing, it was always on their left side, but it was right on his, or the left to me when I looked at it. It was so interesting…

There was one on his other side too though, this one was a stud, not a ring, and I find this duo evermore fascinating. Another light glinted on his nose and I see another piercing. Another stud in the same side as the other stud, opposite the lip ring.   

Each piece of metal was covered in frost. How could that be?

I stare at this guy a bit in shock. From the bleached hair to the multiple, frozen piercings; from the pale skin to the icy cold blue orbs.

He was alluringly different: the good and the bad, the light and the evil.

Like something out of a fairytale.

Except, not.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2014 ⏰

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