surprise pt.1

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It all started in 1980 when a young Lily Potter went into labor a month early. She was erratic with the dark Lord looking for them and what not. Finally Harry Potter, a comely boy came out screaming for his mother, who was mediocre in looks, to feed him like it was fodder to cattle. James who looked at his son for the first time and noticed some differences between him and Harry, He had dark hair black as night and Harry's was a little lighter than his, he had green eyes like the Avada kadabra curse Harry's was as blue as the sky, Harry was also pale while he had a healthy natural tan. He knew this wasn't his child but he could only wonder who since he didn't know anybody that looked like that and he was pretty sure lily didn't know anyone like that. But he needed answers no matter how long it will take.

        Lily was very worried for her sons safety so she called the only person she knew could help.

         "Hey Pepper, I need your help...". Lily said on the border of a panic attack.
         " What is it Sis?" Pepper said to her twin.
          " I'm goin to die...and I want you to take care of my baby." Lily spat out in a rush.
          " Wait-die-Lily what do you mean?!"
           "I'll explain later just promise you'll take care of him and get him to his real father!"

Pepper was in shock, her sister was going to die?!since when did this happen ?! And who was going to do it?! Pepper was in mental agony , who was Harry's real father?! isn't it James?! Pepper was so confused that she spaced out so much she didn't here her child crying until her Husband said something " hey pep, you've been standing there for almost an hour. Are you okay?" only to be responded with silence "Pep?"  nothing  "PEPPER STARK!!!!" that woke her up so suddenly that she fell back as her knees where finally giving out from standing completely still for an hour " woah Pep are you okay?" 

" NO!" she replied in a state of panic " We need to get to Harry as fast as possible." 

"why?, who do we need to protect him from?" tony said very confused.



















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