two | airport

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Emma's POV

I grabbed my phone charger and threw it in my carry on bag before heading downstairs to my dad, who was lugging all the trash bags filled with my clothes into the back of his truck.

"Need some help?" I giggled, following him to the front yard.

"Nah I'm good love, here, put your backpack in the front," he replied, opening the passenger door so I can chuck my black Billabong bag onto the seat. He sighed. "I still can't believe you're leaving me."

I turned to face him and pouted. "I know, but I feel like there's something big waiting for me there. I just know it."

My dad cracked a smile and pulled me in for a hug. I felt a tear fall on my neck and he snuggled me close. "I'm gonna miss you love."

I laughed and pulled away. "Chill dad, we haven't even left the front yard yet. Save the tears for the airport."


On the way to the Boca Raton airport, I texted Ari and Frankie the whole way there, making sure everything was ready. We finally pulled into a parking spot near the front entrance and my dad hopped out and started unloading my bags into a cart. I helped him heave some of my stuff and we headed into the crowded airport.

"Okay bud, this is it." My dad said, giving me a sad smile as we approached security. "You make sure to call me as soon as you land at LAX. And tell your brother and sister that I miss them very much and I'll visit you all as soon as I can." He said, giving me a bear hug.

"I will, I promise. Love you dad!" I said, pulling away and heading into security, pulling my massive cart behind me.

After security, I found an empty seat and sat down before pulling my laptop out of my carry on and working on school stuff. I still had an hour to kill before the plane boards, so I grabbed an iced coffee from the Starbucks in our gate.

Finally, we all boarded the plane and I plopped myself down at the window seat and putting my backpack at my feet. As the plane took off, I stared out the window at the rising sun, wondering if this was really a good idea.

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