Easter Miracles

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            I had been in and out of the hospital multiple times already, not just from injuries I had sustained from my work, but from my wife's condition and battles with cancer. It was hard on both of us, and probably even harder for our little Sunflower.

This however, this was the worst condition I had ever been in, the worst injury I had ever suffered. I remember hearing Ayano's screams and calls for me, and my desire to reach out and smile to her, to let her know that everything would be all right, but...I couldn't. Even now I couldn't. I realized that even if I was present, everything wasn't going to be all right. My injuries were critical, and...Hana was severely injured and put into the hospital as well...in critical. Nothing was all right, and everything...all of this was my fault.

I contemplated all of it. From the searing pain and agony I felt on a regular basis from my left side, it was difficult for me to sleep...or be awake. Almost every moment was painful. During those times though, I would notice Ayano asleep. She needed the rest, so I chose never to wake her. She spent every waking moment in the hospital fretting over myself and our daughter. There were evident bags under her eyes and puffiness. She was not taking any of this well. Losing her husband and her daughter in one day...how could she?

No, in these moments of self-wallowing and contempt, I let her rest. If only to see her look peaceful and calm for a moment. This moment was just like any other as well. Ayano had passed out with her head on the side of my bed. Her hand was weakly clutching at my hospital gown, and the All Might beanie I had gotten her was askew atop her head from her movement. I reached my hand to her. She was slender once more, frail in her appearance. The relapse in cancer had taken a horrible toll on her body and her mental state, and this particular situation was not helping any of that. However, even though I missed those dirty blonde locks of hers, she was still beautiful.

With gentility, I caressed her cheek, moving the beanie to properly protect her head. It was a miracle that she was as healthy as she was now. She refused to tell me why, she simply told me someone came and took care of everything, took care of her. I had my doubts about the matter...but at least she was healthy again. She would live. Me on the other hand...I wasn't sure anymore. The last time Nighteye and I spoke, he alluded to impending death if I continued on the path I had set for myself.

As I graced my hand over the resting figure of my petite wife, I realized how deteriorated I was becoming. A month or so had passed since the injury, and I was getting worse by the day. My arm was getting thinner, I could see myself getting skinnier, thinner, spindly. I realized that this is probably how Ayano felt all those years ago when she would stare at herself in the mirror disgusted after she started losing weight.

It was a drastic change in my appearance. I probably looked terrible. On top of that, each time I faced Ayano, I couldn't smile. The smile I used to proudly adorn was gone...dwindled. I couldn't smile to her; I couldn't even laugh. It was difficult to even face her in my condition. But like this, with her sleeping...I could face her.

I continued my small gesture of petting and ghosting my hand over her until there was a shift. Ayano began to move as tired, groaning noises came from her. "S-Sorry...D-D-Did I wake you, Sweetheart?"

Ayano lifted her head, her once bright green gems clouded with dim tiredness and red from her listless nights of worrying. She took a moment to stare at me before the grogginess of sleep left and she grabbed my hand quickly. "No! T-Toshi...you...you should be resting."

She was not really one to talk. She hardly slept. "I'm not really all that tired." I placed my hand on her cheek. It didn't cup her cheek as it used to a few months ago. It was different, unnatural to me.

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