Chapter Two: The Man

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What hurts so much?

Why is my head all fuzzy?

It's very comfortable here, though..

It's so soft and plush under my skin..


Slowly remembering my previous events, my heart pound hard in my chest once again as I force myself to open my eyes.

Morning light greeted me, lighting up a room that held classical pieces of furniture in it.

I attempted to turn my head to get a better view of my surroundings, only to feel a throbbing ache on the side of my head, causing me to mentally groan.

Leaning back in my original position, I felt a fluffy cushion underneath my head and my body dip into soft sheets as I sighed.

The realization that I was on a bed slowly entered my mind as the stillness of the room brought an odd comforting feeling while I relaxed.

Losing track of time, I snapped out of my trance upon hearing a pained moan echo throughout the place.

I winced in pain but forced myself to sit up on the bed, alerted by the sound.
There is someone else here..

They must have brought me here..

In the mansion, I think..

How do I escape?

As quietly as I could manage, I slipped off the softness of the bed and slowly made my way towards the door that had been left slightly ajar.

Reaching out my hand, I cautiously pulled it open, praying it wouldn't creak.

Luckily, it opened soundlessly as I stepped foot into a hall, filled with furniture and antiques that matched the bedroom I was in.

A muffled frustrated groan could be heard from somewhere lower as I carefully walked around until I found a flight of stairs.

Having experienced with my fair share of horror novels and movies, the stairs are one of the last things I'd want to be near.

If the door hadn't made a sound, I hope the stairs would be just the same as I neared towards them.

I pray this place isn't as old as it seems to be.

Lifting one foot, I grabbed the railing and stepped down from the top step.

Then I took another step.

And another.

Over halfway down the stairs, another low groan was heard as I felt a loose board under my foot before quickly advancing down onto the one below that, taking two steps at a time.

I paused and held my breath, fearing that the person may have heard my movements over their voice.

A few seconds passed before I heard a loud bang and a yell of frustration coming from somewhere on the bottom floor.

Slowly edging my way down, I finally reached the bottom and turned to the direction of the noise where I had heard it just moments ago.

I quieted my breathing as I passed by multiple rooms before entering one only to retreat back and hide behind the corner as I noticed a tall dirtied man crouching over a sink.

While his back was turned to me, next to him was a porcelain doll of a young boy staring directly at me.

I noticed the jagged lines and cracks covering its smooth face indicating that it must have shattered at some point.

Movement next to it turned my attention back to the man as his body turned towards the doll, giving me a good look at what looked like a screwdriver lodged into his stomach.

The smallest gasp accidentally escapes my lips, causing the man's head to shoot in my direction, allowing me to take in the sight of his half-scarred face.

The universal fight-or-flight response racked my brain.
What do I do?

My body apparently had a mind of its own as I stepped out of my hiding spot and entered the kitchen, "Are you alright?"

Stupid question.

Of course he isn't.

The man seemed to be as taken back as I was with my own actions.

He didn't respond but his facial expression held conflicting emotions: confusion, anger, anguish, and hope.

I cautiously approached him, still unsure how he would react but he remained still until a flash of realization hit him and he turned around to grab something white and fled the room.

"Wait!" I called out and chased after him.

My heart erupted in my chest as my feet hit against the hardwood floors of the halls.

Watching him run into a room, I hurriedly turned the corner but what I find is not the man I am after.

Five Senses (Brahms Heelshire x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now