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"I'm fine"
But people don't realize-
Don't understand-
That those two few words
Are faker than the
She puts on every day

She mutters,
"I'm fine,"
When she's alone.

She whispers,
"I'm fine,"
When she's crying.

She says,
"I'm fine,"
When she her lungs aren't doing their job
And her heart is a rapid drum.

She yells,
"I'm fine,"
When she's ignored, a soul-less body
People can't hear, see, touch...
Someone they can just walk through

She shouts,
"I'm fine,"
When her life feels like a pit of nothing
The feeling of numbness driving her crazy
Unable to feel any pain- nor happiness

She screams,
"I'm fine,"
When she's sobbing, broken,
Trying to put the shattered pieces of her life
Back together and wondering,
"When did it all go wrong?"

But then the cycle starts again,
When people continue to ask,
"Are you okay?" and
She mutters,
"I'm fine,"
when she's alone.
And they believe her.

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