Chapter 3: The Tale of the Watch

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Once upon a time, there was a watch. But this wasn't just any watch. It's a vintage Rolex, blue in the face like a dying hero, gasping for air in their final moment of bravery. Silver links latch onto identical silver links like two human hands grasping each other to stay secure at the edge of a cliff. The band and diamond numbers were the watch's ticket to securing its place on the arm of a wealthy, complacent human. Instead, the watch was touted by a "wolf." A salt-and-pepper bearded wolf that forced the watch to experience the ugliness of the world. That was until the day it was swiped off the wolf's wrist. Swiped, sold, and placed in a beautifully lit glass case in a shop. As the watch sat — accepting its stagnate place in the world — a man in a blue suit ran it through the streets of New York, granting the watch its first grand excursion. The smoggy air of the metropolitan atmosphere brushed across its face, up buildings and down alleys, before being (inevitably) transferred to the dainty arm of a young woman who tasted of cotton candy. But that wasn't the end of the watch's journey. It was only the beginning. The watch landed back on the blue-suited vigilante. Although this wasn't the scene the watch expected, it finally felt present. Present in a place where it belonged.

"Could I get another cold brew, please?" Harry politely requests from the barista. "Room for cream."

He waits at the side of the cafe. Camera cuts to his fingers drumming against the speckles of granulated sugar scattered across the counter by lazy consumers. He stays in sync with the coffee shop song he doesn't recognize. The watch clinks as it moves a half inch from the tail of his mermaid tattoo down to the hooks of the anchor at his wrist. The room goes blurry for a moment.

"Blue," she whispers back. "You look heavenly in blue..."

It's been two days now. He thought about her dimples. Her brown eyes. The remnants of curly hair peeking out from underneath her wig. He thought about these and so many other elements in bed. In the shower. Making eggs. Opening a beer.

"This was too easy," Pink says, throwing the watch onto his lap. With a smirk, she continues. "Come back when you're more of a challenge."

Much like when Romeo first met Juliet, the meeting of Blue and Pink was elusive. The crowd practically parted like the Red Sea on his journey to the back door of the club. Time slowed. Then she emerged. Neither of them had any sense of who the other was. They could be a toxic, damaging combination. They could be a match made by the playful gods above. They could be a mix of both. Maybe it was the watch's destiny to bring the two together and test the limits of the universe.

"Challenge accepted," Harry whispers to himself, pouring cream into his drink.

"Excuse me?" An older woman beside him stares with a look of pure confusion. Her Louis Vuitton bag swings at her side as her red-bottom high heels look practically untouched by the dirty sidewalks. With her phone in one hand, her other palm halts ripping open a packet of sugar in the raw to hear his response.

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