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"Let's stop..." I whispered while i'm standing at the corner of my nest.. The whole room was painted as if it's a canvas.. But it was filled with black. The whole room was onced a safe place to hide... To rest.. But it was all gone. No warmth or love, only the darkness that kept enveloping my body. Like a cold wind making my body tremble from its cold embrace.

"I said let's stop!" I spoke with volumes that it echoed to the dark room.

SLAP! I was shock at the sudden movement... Felt numb until i feel the hot burn at my cheek.

"What did you just said??" His voice seemed to be an octave lower than his normal one.. That it made my stomach tingled.. Not from pleasure.. But from fear.

It took all of my courage to speak again only to be slapped once more.

I kept asking in my mind.. Who is this man in front of me? My thoughts were cut and shattered into a million pieces when he shouted over and over as he gripped my right arm. "You. Are. Only. Mine!!" "Stop it!! Stop!!" My voice cracked a bit. While my vision, blurry from the tears that overflowed all over my face ... All i could see was this bloody pair of what we call "eyes" but it was filled with hatred... Hatred for what??

My question didn't get an answer for what he had done shocked me..

He didn't do anything to me but he.. He locked me in this room.. This dark room that held nothing but poison that will slowly kill me..

I heard the locked tic... And I was all alone.


The clock on the wall stopped ticking and my body lied on the ground. My heart fluttered and trembled ever so slightly as i kept hearing the loud bang outside. He kept drinking over and over... Let that bottled illusion to take over his body.

The food he left was still on the floor... Unattended for i never had an interest to eat it. The dawn slowly faded as dusk dominated the dark room. I heard a loud bang once more and my sight saw white dots... Until it's all gone.


It took me by surprise because i never heard the door being unlocked. That small tic when the key is turned. There were no sign of him... But despite all the surprise... What really shocked me was that i never feel the worry like i did the other day.

Onced again the day ended with a blur and the darkness came.


I don't know what day.. Hour or second it was. All i could see was the dark ceiling of the room. He didn't come again today. It never bothered me anyway...

My body felt like it's sagging away... My bones and skin felt numb. My lips were chapped. It felt as if my throat and tongue gulped a sandpaper. My eyes... I can't seem to cry for there was no tears left to pour out. No feeling left to feel. My heart... It's long been ignored.. I never heard it flutter or beat. All that was left was my mind... working... Turning like a screw.. Where is he??


I don't know what to think for my mind retired as well as the rest of my body. I lied on the floor like a weightless satin but withered like a flower. My skin seemed to be paler than it could ever be.. It's like a porcelain that never glowed. My hands were cold while my feet blended from the white cold floor. Dark room has long been seen by my vision that seemed to disconnect from my nerves. I could no longer feel anything but just hear the sound of the door being unlocked.

I heard a voice... I knew it was near but it seemed too far.

From the muffled way of his voice.. At one point it started to be clear.

It was Xanns' voice.. My saviour? I thought he was until memories from the buried yesterday flooded all over me. He kept asking 'what have i done' but i was too weak to reply. It all flowed like Mozarts' symphony... So fast until it was all clear to me.. And all that was left was to say that i had paid the price.

"What have i done!?" i kept questioning myself but too hopeless to answer... Too coward to realize the truth.. But within this heart of mine.. I knew the fact that it was me that had done such thing. And now her body lies on my shaking arms. A hand print.. No... My 'handprint' an evident that kept her a slave to my own faults visible onto her arms. My love.... Why have i done this?! I kept waking her up.. Asking.. Only to be greeted by the thin air... By her lifeless body. I smiled in such craze while my eyes were filled with tears. But as i wholy unraveled the bitter truth.. Sorrow touched my lips. I'm in debt with this game that i needed to pay the price.. And now it's the time.

I gripped the barrel of danger that will soon end my life. Put it to my head as i looked at her.. The beauty painted with white and as the loud bang took control, the line ended.


-Other sickness: DEPRESSION.


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