Chapter 1

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Aiden POV
"Wake up!!!" Jason yelled at me after dumping a bucket full of ice cold water onto me soaking not only me but my bed as well.
"JASON!!!" I yelled as I jumped up looking around and found him by the door frame with a wicked grin on his face. Giving him a hard glare that could kill I began the chase. "WHEN I GET MY HANDS ON YOU, YOU'RE DONE FOR!!!"
"Lol, that's only if you can catch me slow poke," Jason replied back as he darted down the stairs with me right behind him. Shivering from the cold water that's dripping down my body I chased him right into the kitchen before I tackled his ass down. We wrestled for a bit before I was able to pin him down, while straddling him.
"Who's the slow poke now?" I asked him with a mischievous grin on my face. I was about to punch him in the kidney, when I was yanked off of him by the back of my t-shirt.
"That's enough, you two!" GIJOE ordered with his alpha voice make Jason squirm while he was on the floor, while I hung my head in shame.
"Sorry," Jason and I said at the same time.
Sighing he let me go, "Aiden why are you wet?" He asked then continue before I could answer him. "Never mind I don't want to know. Just go upstairs and get ready for the training."
"Yes GIJOE," I told him as I dashed back up to my room to change.
After I changed I turned to face my body length mirror on the wall and looked at my self. I stood five six with my long wavy light brown hair up into a high ponytail, my dark blue eyes stared back at me as I looked over my tanned skin and notice my six pack which showed since I was only wearing a sport bra and b-ball shorts. I headed back downstairs and went outside getting ready for training, which was basically an two hour run around our territory.
There I saw Jason and Sarah already stretching, I walked up to them and started stretching with them. Jason had dark brown shaggy hair with deep green eyes. He stood exactly six feet tall, tanned, and built with an solid six pack.
"About time you got here!" Jason looked at with his famous lopsided grin.
"She would of gotten here sooner if someone didn't dumped water on her to wake her up" Sarah stated as she gave him an hard glare.
"Hey you said to wake her up, you didn't say how," Jason sass back which earned him a hard slap on the back of his head, and a chuckle from me.
"Hey that hurts!" Jason whined as he stepped away from her and rubbed the spot on his head.
"Then don't be a smart ass," Sarah calmly stated as she walked away to join the Alpha. Sarah stood five five, even though she was small she had a mean hit. She has short blonde hair with light hazel eyes. Tanned with a flat stomach. The three of us grew up together and I know it's hard to believe it but we're actually are best friends. Sarah Green is the oldest, sixteen but in four months she'll be seventeen the age were she can find her mate, I actually feel bad for her mate since Sarah had a mean temper when you get on her bad side. Me I'm Aiden Black the second oldest or the middle child between the three of us, in five months I'll be seventeen and I can't wait to find my mate as long as it's not one of my two best friends I'll be happy. Then the youngest Jason Fox will be seventeen in six months, I just hope his mate doesn't reject him.
I might of had forgotten to imply that we're werewolves. We're in the Silver Star pack. Sarah is actually the future right hand Beta and Jason is the future left hand Beta, and I'm well I'm just an omega, the only omega in Silver Star pack, but I'm not really treated as one. My parents died when I was young and my mom parents who were humans took me in, but when Alpha Jack AKA GIJOE found out what was happening behind closed doors he took me away from them and basically adopted me. I don't like to talk about what happened but that's basically the reason why I don't easily trust people. All of a sudden I felt pain between my legs.
"Snap out of it Aiden, we gotta go," Jason called out as he disappeared. I was down on my knees with tears in my eyes as I held myself in my hands. Oh yeah another thing I forgot to mention I'm an intersex, and the only ones who knows would be Sarah, Jason, and GIJOE. As the pain slowly go away I stood up taking a deep breath. Just you wait Jason, I'm gonna put my plan into play when we get back. I took off towards the woods and changed into my white and black wolf whose name was Zen, and he doesn't really talk much, but that's okay it doesn't bother me that much anyway.
After running for two hours we got back to the house, calling dibs on the shower I ran quickly before Jason could beat me. Every pack member in the pack house had their own room but Jason and my room was joined by a bathroom and truth be told it had always been like that since I had come back when I was nine, and I wouldn't change it for the world. Sarah room was across the hall from ours, which was a good thing, since she really couldn't hear us playing video games in the middle of the night for if she did she would make us to stop playing. After I was done with the shower I opened my shampoo and poured bleach into it closing it back up. I grabbed my hair conditioner and poured the hair dye in it. Smiling to myself I walked out into Jason's room.
"Hey," I called out as I saw Jason in only he's briefs. "Showers yours." I didn't wait for him to reply as I walked to my room, before closing the door I yelled out, "Don't use my shampoo or hair conditioner you have your own!" And closed the door knowing he would. I quickly got dressed in my briefs and bra as I looked at my clothes in the closet. Today was the first day of school and it was my senior year, I grabbed a pair of light blue skinny jeans and a fitting navy blue t-shirt that showed off my curves after placing my black knee high boots on and replied makeup on lightly, after I was done I double checked myself and decided that I looked good as I guided my fingers through my hair, I went downstairs to grab something for breakfast.
"Good morning gramma," I said while I gave the older woman with white hair a kiss on the cheek as I snatched a biscuit in front of her.
"Morning dear," gramma said back as she slapped my hand away but it was too late I had already taken a bite out of the biscuit. Giggling slightly I walked away as she mumbled something about kids these days. She wasn't my real gramma but everyone calls her that, she's our chef as well as her husband, who everyone calls pops, but I called him gramps.
I kissed GIJOE on the cheek before taking my place next to him, and waited for everyone else to take their place. Not every member lived in the pack house, quite a bit of them had their own houses on the territory. The pack had over four hundred members in it, and I'm the only omega in it, but luckily I wasn't treated as one. Everyone treated me like I was one of them, I had no hard times with any of them, unlike what I heard and seen in the other packs. Let's just say our school has five different packs going there and the way they treated their omegas makes me want to vomit . I've seen bruises, and scars on the omegas that makes me want to cry and be grateful that I wasn't treated as such by my own pack, but I also remember what it had felt like to have someone putting their hands on you.
"AIDEN!!!" Jason screamed out as I heard him running down the stair and into the dinning room. "YOU'RE DONE FOR!!!" He looked at me with murder in his eyes. I just sat where I was and gave him an innocent smile.
"Everyday," GIJOE sighed out. "When the sun go up til the sun goes down, you two play pranks on each other. Don't you ever get sick of it?"
"No," Jason and I said at the same time.
"Jason, why is you're hair pink?" Sarah asked as she took her place next to me.
"Aiden decided to color it." He informed her.
"No I didn't," I picked up my glass of OJ and took a sip from it. "I told you not to use my shampoo and hair conditioner, did I not?"
Jason rolled his eyes and took his seat, "Well yeah, but..."
Showing a victory smile I leaned back into my chair as we did a stare down. As I said before we are best friends even when it seems like we're not. "You actually look hot with pink hair."
"Really? Maybe I'll keep it this color then."
"You do that."
GIJOE shook his head but had a slight smile playing on his mouth. "Alright kids, lets eat and get on our merry way."
After breakfast we headed out, Sarah was driving her car as Jason rode shot gun because I had lost to a round of Rock Paper and Scissor, I hated that game with a passion. It only took us fifteen minutes to arrive at Jacksonville high school, a school for werewolves but with a few humans that went there. It was like any other school we had clubs, and sports activities after school, the only different between our school and humans school was that they taught us things about every supernatural beings that we needed to know about. Sarah, Jason, and I was lucky we had every single class together, I kinda felt bad about the teachers though. Oh well not my problem. As we walked to our lockers we were greeted by many of our friends who we haven't seen in awhile. I placed everything into my locker and closed the door knowing we won't have any classes at least for the first hour since we have an assembly that would welcomed us into another school year. Placing my arm around Sarah's shoulder and grabbing Jason by the waist we walked to the gym and took our seats.
"Hey Aiden," Zen my wolf called out to me, which surprised me since he really didn't talk much.
"Yes Zen?"
"There's something here, but I don't know what, just be careful, ok?"
I can't believe they sent me to the other side of the world so that I would learn more about the real world. Ugh.
"It's not the other side of the world Ava it's only a few states over."
"It's the same thing Kia."
"Drama Queen."
"I'm not a drama queen Kia."
"And I'm not a wolf," Kia informed me smartly with an chuckle.
"And why must we teach history to students?" I whined knowing I sounded like a five year old at the time. I just couldn't believe my own parents would ship me off, to a place I've never heard of. Jacksonville a town with a population of over a thousand people, and most of them were werewolves. The high school had five different packs going there and I'll be teaching history to the seniors. Joy.
"Oh come on, we're twenty three years old and we have a teaching degree in history and we have a chance to use it. A chance we thought would never happened. Be happy, since we probably never get to use it again. We won't have the time once we find our mate and become Queen." Kia stated and I knew she was right. Sighing out with frustration I got ready for the first day of school.
I had on a black pencil skirt with an red silk button up shirt tucked in with my red four inch heels. I pulled my black hair up into a tight bun and checked myself out. I decided that I really did look like a school teacher, deciding to leave a few button undone to up my sexiness, but not enough so anyone wouldn't see my lacy red bra underneath i decided I was one hot teacher. Knowing I would have a lot of horny teenagers starring at me I shook my head and walked out of my apartment and into my car. Pulling into the school I smelt something sweet in the air, it smelt like honey which was weird.
"Maybe it's because we didn't eat breakfast before leaving?"
"Could be Kia, we gotta meet the principal before we go the the assembly."
Picking up my things I carried my stuff into my classroom before meeting the principal, as I walked by the lockers I smelt the honey, it was a stronger smell now. Mmm it was making my mouth watery.
"Mhmm find that smell!" Kia purred out as I rolled my eyes.
"No, we don't have time to steal someone else breakfast."
"And here I thought that you were a good princess, but here you are thinking about stealing some poor kids breakfast you should be ashamed of yourself."
"Kia we both know that's not true, you're the one who just told me to find it, did you not?"
"Whatever just hurry up and find that smell," Kia whined and whimper out.
What has gotten into her? Taking a breath I knocked on a door and someone who was on the other side had said to come in. "Good morning principal Kane." Kane was an older man with silver in his black hair, his brown eyes shined with wrinkles around them.
"Good morning Crown Princesses Ava." Kane bowed slightly to show submission.
"Please Ava is just fine after all I'll be teaching here for the school year."
Kane chuckled a bit nervously but agreed with me. "Well Ava nobody knows yet that you'd be teaching here so I will announce you during the assembly, which we need to hurry up to."
"Lead they way Mr. Kane."
As I followed Kane to the gym I noticed the honey smell was getting stronger. Kia started to whine and whimper again as she tried to claw out. What has gotten into her. I walked up to the stage as Kane introduce me to the school, who submitted to me, this made Kia lay on her stomach and slowly crawl closer to the front of my mind and softly whined. As Kane was wrapping up he asked me to say a few words which I kindly did.
"Good morning student I know this may seem a bit confusing to why a future heir is here teaching but I'm not only teaching you, you will be teaching me on how to better myself as your future Queen." As I was done speaking Kia was clawing to get out, I looked out at the students and my eyes landed on the most beautiful sexy young woman I had ever seen. She was wearing pale blue skinny jeans which compliment her long legs, her dark blue shirt clung onto her curves as if it was painted onto her. She had long brown hair which fell like waterfalls to the middle of her back and when I looked up into her eyes my knees grew weak, I got pulled into her dark blue eyes and got lost in them. Kia kept repeating the same word over and over again and I couldn't or wouldn't disagree with her. She was our mate, but when I tried to say it out loud I found out I couldn't which only could mean one thing. She wasn't of age yet, after six long years of looking I finally found her, but I can't claim her because she wasn't of age yet.
Oh Moon Goddess what have you done to me. I watched her stand up and jumped onto a young mans back who had pink hair, they were both laughing as he carried her out with a blonde girl following behind them. A growl got stuck in my throat as I tired to warn him to get away from what was MINE.
"Go mark her. I want her NOW! And she so hot. Yummy," Kia purred out, and I couldn't disagree with her once again.
"You know we can't touch her until she seventeen Kia, we just have to wait until then, but yes she does look yummy."
"Well, good luck Ava with your first day," Kane bowed before he left leaving me shocked and excited. Today was far the most best days of my life, but then sadness filled my heart when I realized she wouldn't be in any of my classes after all I was a senior teacher teaching history and she wasn't even seventeen.
All day I kept an eye out for her but all I got was the smell of honey drifting in the halls. Soon it was my last class to teach I stepped out to see if I could catch her or catch a glimpse of the boy with pink hair but no luck. Sighing with a heavy heart I was back into my classroom and begin the class with a getting to know each other better game. As I looked up and saw her, she was sitting between the blonde girl and pink hair boy.
"Quit staring we don't want her to think we're weird, we could freak her out, Ava!" Kia growled at me.
"I know Kia but I can't help it, she's perfect. And she's ours." Taking a breath I calmed myself down. It's just another class the only thing that's different from this class from the others is that my mate, my future Queen is sitting right there in the middle of the room in all of her glory, and what a sight it was. I couldn't wait to see what's underneath all those clothes but truth be told her skin fitting clothes didn't leave much imagination. Licking my lips I looked away and noticed all eyes was on me.
"Okay class we're going to play a game today to get to know each other better. State your name age, birthday then three things about you. I'll go first so you'll know what to do." I leaned against my desk facing the class but really facing her. "Hi I'm Ava Addison, but do call me Ava, I'm twenty three years old, my birthday was three months ago, I love history, reading, and running." And my mate I thought to myself knowing I wasn't able to say it out loud yet. I pointed to the girl that sat in the first row by the window. After she was done the next went. When we got to a boy who sat two seats away from my mate he said, "Hey I'm Cole Brick I'm eighteen my birthday just went by, I'm the quarter back for our team, I'm laid back, and by the end of the school year I will have Aiden as my girlfriend." There was a lot of grunts, cheers, and argument that brought the class into an uproar as I watched my mate folded her arms on top of her desk and laid her head down while the pink hair boy laughed his head off and the blonde girl rubbed her back. I had a strong feeling I wasn't going to like the out come of this at all.

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