Boba Date

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A/n I have this hope that it I post frequently I'll get more reads but 🤷‍♀️
We had been playsing games and cuddling for a while after I had gotten there at 10am

"Hey kk have you ever tried boba tea?"

"Tf is boba?"

He gasps and throws on some skinny jeans
"Get your shoes on, I'm getting you boba"

I raised a brow at him and shrugged I slipped my shoes on and he rushed me out the door

"Okay okay I'm going" I giggled as my feet dragged against the hard wood flooring.

"Your gonna love it I promise" we walked to the near by shopping center which had a cafe that sold you guessed it Boba Tea.

"Woah slow down I can walk Sollux"

"Hehe oops" he stopped dragging me and we walked in the cafe

He told me to go sit and he would order our drinks.
I scrolled through random social media on my phone and waited on him. And then Eridan showed up.

"Oh sup Kar, howw you doin'"

I shoved my face in my arms and groaned into the table.

"wwhat? Not happy to see me?"

I responded by giving him a death glare

"Am I interrupting?" Sollux was standing behind eridan

"wwhy yes you are" Eridan turned on his heels and was face to face with an angry Sollux.

"Oh, really because I'm on a date with KK at the moment so if you could happily fuck off that'd be great" he narrowed his eyebrows and Eridan scurried off.
He sits down in the stool next to mine and hands me a pink colored drink with black spheres which I assume is the 'Boba'.

"This is a date?"

"Yes it is"

He scooted close to me and held my hand
"Now drink the tea" he waited for me to drink it while sipping his

I took a sip and it was strawberry flavored and then I got a weird ball in my mouth. "Woah what is this" while laughing with my mouth half open.

"That's a tapioca pearl, you eat it" Sollux replied.

I chewed it and it was slimy but had a fine taste.
"I love this"

"Really? Good I knew you'd like it"

I felt a blush creeping up to my cheeks, Sollux must have seen it toy cuz he put his hand on my cheek.
"Your so adorable Kk"

I blush and we talk for about half an hour, we notice it's going to rain soon

"We should probably head back, it's gonna rain, cmon karkat"

He doesn't call me Karkat very often so this surprised me and we made it back to his house before the rain got bad
Word count: 454

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2019 ⏰

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