Adopting Arina

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Arina's Pov

I was sitting by the widow sill when a couple came in and started looking at the children I am six so no one will adopt me I am too old. The woman looked at the girls who push me all the time and the boys who kick me and hit me all the time. 

"We are looking for a girl around five to nine" The man said
Kelly our case worker had us all line up. She gave me a glare as I lined up I flinched I had to line up next to Lisa and she pushed me so I fell out of the line the woman looked down at me. 

"I am so sorry she is different from the other girls" Kelly said. 

The woman looked at the man and he nodded.

"We would like her she is just what we are looking for" the woman said I looked up at her as she lifted me up. She handed me to the man and held me I wrapped my arms around him he smiled. They grabbed my stuff   and we started leaving the orphanage. I held on tight to the man that held me as we walked pasted Kelly and Lisa who glared at me. He held me tighter as we walked down the steps to a long car

"What's wrong are you okay Sweety" He asked.

I shook my head holding onto him tighter as he got inside the long car I let go of him and started to walked around a little bit. 

"So our beautiful what's your name sweetheart?" the woman asked 

"A- Arina" I said nervelessly.

They smiled at me. The man smiled he looked very kind so did the woman I played with my stuffed turtle. I walked over to my new Mommy.

"Can I call you Mommy and him Daddy?" She nodded.

I sat beside her and started to fall asleep. She placed me on her lap we pulled up to a building Daddy took me from Mommy and we walked. It was cool I saw lots of guitars and a drum set. I squirmed out of Daddy's arms walking over to the drums and tapped it. I walked over to the sleeping man on the couch. 

"Hi are you up?" He groaned and rolled over. I climbed on the couch onto the man he looked up. 

"Why is there a kid in the studio?" I laid my head down on him as he slowly wrapped his arms around me.  

"Hey didn't your mom tell you not to talk to strangers?" The man asked. 

I poked his cheek. He laughed.

"You're a cute kid that is for sure" He said as I played with his hair.

"Awe she likes CC" Mommy said. 

The man sat up as I slowly fell asleep on him playing with his hair. 

Ashley's Pov

The Jinxx, Sammi, Jake and I walked into the studio Andy and Juliet went to adopt a kid can't wait to see it. We walked in to see CC sleeping on the couch with a girl in his arms. She had her fingers wrapped around his hair. 

"Awe Andy she's so cute look at her" We gushed over the little girl in CC's arms.

She stirred in his arms but fell back to sleep. The little girl slowly opened her eyes looking at us she got up slipping out of CC's arms. She walked over to Andy and held her arms up signaling she wanted up. He lifted her up as she burrowed her face in Andy's neck. 

"I scared Daddy" the little girl's voice said

"Don't you scare my baby do you realize how bad it's going to be when we have to tell her Andy and I both have tour coming up" 

The little girl head popped up and looked at her. 

"No Daddy can't leave me I don't want him to leave" she cried holding onto Andy tighter.

"How about we see if Daddy can pull some strings and get you to go with him instead of having someone you don't know watching you" 

Arina's Pov

Daddy handed me to Mommy. Mommy handed me to a pretty lady. 

"Arina say hi to aunt Sammi Doll" Daddy said.

" You are very pretty so is that girl but why does she have her shirt off?" I asked they all broke out laughing.

"Honey that is Uncle Ashley" Daddy said. 

"Oh I sorry wait you made this" I showed him my outlaw hat. 

"Yeah I did make that do you like it?" He asked. 

I nodded rapidly. 

"Who they?" I asked pointing at two men I haven't seen and the man I fell asleep on.

"That is Uncle Jake, Uncle CC, and Uncle Jinxx" Daddy said. 

Wow I finally got a family

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