Chapter 47:Jenna

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Bar in New Torrontro. 

 Meta's POV

"Describe her." Said R3c0nfigured.

"I'm not here for this." I began "I'm here because a friend of mine is infected. I need to find a cure."

Miguel looked at R3c0nfigured.

"What kind of infection?"

"black scales. Preceded by cognitive collapse." I said efficiently and quitely.

"When did the girl touch him?" Reconfigured asked.

"She didn't, I did." I explained.

At this point, Reconfigured glanced over to Miguel.

"I kind of infected him with whatever I got. The others too. Currently, I feel fine. I don't know how long I and the others have."

Reconfigured looked uneasy.

"Describe the girl." Reconfigured said.

I pulled up my parent's photo and projected it on the table. I pointed at the small girl near my parents. "her."

"Where did you get this photo?" Reconfigured looked alarmed.

I took a breath "My step-parents gave it to me." I pointed to the other woman next to a young bearded man "is that you?"

Reconfigured leant forward and pulled back the collar of my suit, I let her. She caught the top of my neck. She saw my birthmark.

"Oh fuck." She said "your both dead."

Miguel looked at the shocked Reconfigured. "What's going on?"

"The wheel." Is all Reconfigured could say sitting back "its the wheel."

'can you hear this' Reconfigured said to me silently.

'You can do this as well?' I said silently back.

There was a look of awe and possibly fear on R3c0nfigured's face.

"I knew your parents. I was Jenna's... your mothers best friend" Reconfigured said silently "I remember when you were born. The look in their eyes. I saw you then. Others tried. Their kids - were malformed. Some died from the black scales."

"I want answers." I said silently "Mostly I want some help for my friends. I'm desperate. I've got to help them. I've got to find out what's happening to themm to me. I'm not going to stop until I find out." I said silently to Reconfigured.

"You're becoming a cyborg, so is your friend," Reconfigured said silently. She had regained some sanity.

"I guess that but am I turning into a machine?"

Reconfigured shook her head "Not a machine. Not biological. A hybrid. Unfortunately, most of your friends will die."

"Die?" I said aloud.

"Jenna and your dad, many of us were bio-hackers. We believed in making our selves better than before. We started to play with resequencing, nano tech. We just experimented on our selves. Then your mother discovered she was pregnant. She could feel you connecting. We knew you would be a cyborg, but born, not the subject of experiments."

Miguel looked confused. couldn't hand't heard the silent conversation.

"Most of the transitions die in the process." Reconfigured said aloud, "I'm sorry."

I looked at Reconfigured as dangerously as I could "They are my friends. I'm not letting that happen. The girl sent me to you. She did it for a purpose."

Just then I felt something. R3c0nfigured turned her head.

"Shit," she said.

Zoe broke silently in. "I'm getting heavy police traffic. I think you triggered a face-trap or something. Many police are approaching your position.. 25 units."

Colin broke in "I'm not seeing an exit strategy for you. They are freakily efficient. Someone smart is directing them."

"Get out." Said Valerie. 

I stood up. 

I looked at R3c0nfigured "are you sensing these rapid response teams?"

Miguel looked at R3c0nfigured "we are surrounded. The authorities have faceID on us all."

I knew enough to know this meant we are trapped. Just then the network was shut down and I lost contact with the Factory and the others. I was on my own here.

Miguel looked at Reconfigured. "I'll hold them off. Act as a distraction. You escape."

Reconfigured held Miguel's arm her eyes glanced at me. "You heard her. She is of the wheel. Did you hear that? The last of the wheel. We need a distraction beyond distractions. I'll face them. You wait until I give the signal then go." said Reconfigured to Miguel.

"I'm not going." I told her.

"You are." Reconfigured said to me "You need to go to the Professor. Not only will he hide you, he's the only one remotely capable of curing you and your friends. Miguel you must make sure she gets to the professor. Tell him she's of the wheel." 

Miguel nodded.  He reached into his pocket and pulled out a gun. He checked it and pushed it back. 

"Let's Go" he said. 

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