Chapter 1

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hey guys im going to start this chapter where Maddy has just left to live in the wild!!! it will make sence if your a wolfblood fan and watch the series !!! hope you enjoy this chapter xx

Chapter 1

Maddy's POV

Me and ma family have been walking for about 3 days know none stop and it is very tiring. We arnt aloud to run because its so windy and there is so much snow we cant run so we are walking the way slowly.

" mum can we please go back to Stonybridge, we are not going the find Jana's pack so lets just go!" i said to my parents because i was cold and wet and just wanted to go home to my proper home in Stonybridge.Just as i said that we caught a smeel of Jana's wolf pack, we all started running carefully following the smell of them. We entered a woods which gave us cover from the snow that was slowly falling. I slowly looked through the woods and saw Jana running towards us, she grabs me and pulls me in for a hug. Me and Jana were very close before she left to live with the wild pack. Jana introduce everyone and we all said hello to each other. All of a sudden we heard someone yell

"I smell humans hide everyone!!!" some boy yelled everyone started running around finding hiding places. I didnt know what to do so i just stood there shocked, not knowing what to do or where to go. All of a sudden someone grabbed me by the waist and pulled me up to a very tall tree that was just above me. I looked next to me to see a boy about my age maybe older with brown hair that was styled to the side. He had brown eyes that matched his hair perfectly, he wore a tatty old pair of blue jeans with a dirty white top that wasnt very white anymore. He had a grey jacket that he wore over the t-shirt.

"what were you thinking you could of got caught by the humans" the boy shouted quietly so none of the humans could hear us.

" umm sorry i didnt know what to do im new and only just got here" i said back to him

" sorry i didnt know whats your name, im Alex " he asked

" im Maddy i came with my mum and dad im a good friend of Jana's" i said back to him a bit too loud!

" shhh they will hear you keep your voice down and nice to meet you " he said i looked down to the humans that just walked past the tree we were sat on. Why would they be this far any way, not even Shan and Tom would come this far into the woods and they are bestfriends with woolfbloods. I dont get it !

" Earth to Maddy, the humans have gone we can get down now " Alex said to me waving his hand in front of my face to get me out of my little moment of thinking. I jumped down from the tree with Alex next to me and went and checked on everyone to see if they were okay and safe!


Hope you like this chapter please like and comment so i know what you like and i need some ideas of what you think i should write about in the next couple of chapters because im finding it hard to write at the moment even though ive just started this book. Hope you like it Thank you baes xx meganx

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