Chapter One

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"He is cheating on me I'm telling you" I cried to Mercedes.
"If he is he going to be in for a rude awakening because you are too good to him." Mercedes threatened.
"Tell me if I'm tripping or not. Am I overreacting or does his clothes smell like another woman,"
"His clothes definitely smell like another woman. A cheap one at that," she agreed.
Here we were in the middle of the living room with his clothes dumped out the basket. All of them smelled like some cheap perfume. I couldn't fathom him being with another woman because he was all I knew not to mention, this nigga came home to me every single night and fucked me raw. If that be the case then I was dealing with a damn sex addict because who the hell could sex that damn much. Shard had a small ass dick. He couldn't be satisfying that many bitches. He damn sure wasn't satisfying me.
  I had been with Shard since I was eighteen. I was twenty one now and I went straight from my mothers house to his since he was older and had more going for himself than I did. He was my first everything and I thought I had it good until he started staying out late at night with Javon his brother who was fresh out of prison. Javon has been locked up for five years and  his behavior is like any nigga's who fresh out the joint. He want pussy and a lot of it. He has been staying with us for a while and I had caught his sexing two girls since he been out. Not to mention Mercedes dick hungry ass had gave him some. Javon was fine and all he was six four solid and the color of a Mr Good Bar. Since I had caught him fucking yes I had seen his dick and it was way bigger than his big brothers. I almost feel like I got the short end of the stick except I don't think I could deal with a felon on my hand.
I liked that Shard could take care of things. He was the man of the house and provided like a good man. That wasn't very common this day and time. My father wasn't even a good provider so I'm happy I didn't come a man like old David Jackson.

"What are you going to do if he is?" Mercedes asked me.
"I don't know. Because as you know this is his place. Maybe I can save up for me a place to go,"
"If you find out this nigga is cheat do you want to leave?" She asked me very firmly.
"Hell yeah! I don't want to settle for less. I just saw a chick on FaceBook earlier today talking about how the relationship is like a See saw. You can marry and man and see he cheating but get mad for what because it was at least twice when y'all was dating that you saw that nigga cheating."
"You are so damn goofy for that lame ass shit."
" I just don't have no where to go. I don't want to live with my mother she couldn't wait to get us out her house. My daddy is shamed up with some woman. My sister won't even answer the phone for me half the time. Maybe I can go and get a room."
"Your slow ass can come and live with me."
"That's sweet but I can't intrude on you"
"You are coming to live with me and that's final,"
"I sure home he not cheating because I don't want to impose on you. I know you are living your life and doing you. Plus Kasey won't like that. She already thinks I'm trying to steal her best friend."
Mercedes was a really good friend to me but she was my big sister Kasey best friend. They had been best friends since elementary and I was pretty much an outcast. When girls picked on me for being too dark it was Merced's who had my back not Kasey.
I was chocolate as hell but I had learned to love my skin since I had never got any complaints from me. I had long wavy hair like biracial people did but I was all black. I stopped traffic because I had fat ass wide hips thick thighs and I had nice full juicy breast.
That's how I bagged Shard with my good looks and I was a virgin on top of that. He knew he had a winner yet here we were four years later and he was attempting to dog me out.
Apart of me really want to move with Mercedes to get to live the life she did. She did what she wanted and answered to no one. She went out when she felt like it and wore what she wanted. I felt like I was missing that because Shard didn't want me out doing any of that. He was jealous so I stayed in a pair of loose fighting jeans and a loose shirt.  Something had to give.
I got up and started picking up his clothes from the floor and putting them in the basket. I because angry with every article of clothing I picked up because that bitches perfume was all over his things. Just as I picked up the last sock the door knob shook and I knew it was him.
"Should I stick around or you want me to leave,"
It wasn't much that Mercedes didn't know about my relationship other than that Shard had a little dick. I wasn't the type to tell about my mans private parts and how his sex was because you never knew what was going on in a woman's head when you talked about your mans dick.
Mercedes did know about the handful of times that we got psychical with one another. It was when he was drunk and tripping and couldn't hold his liquor. I'm not saying that him being drunk made it alright but other that those times he wasn't an abusive guy. Mercedes has no understanding behind me so I'm her eyes he was the scum of the earth. I stood my ground when it came to that type of things and to show him that I wasn't going to be abused I cut his ass on the arm and we had been good ever since.
"Hey baby. What's up Mercedes?" Shard walked in and kissed me on the lips and instantly smelled that cheap musty bitch.  To make matters worse it was lipstick on his shirt. I lost it.
I dropped the clothes an swung and hit him in the face. I know that was the wrong thing to do but I couldn't believe he would do something like that to me.
"Stop! Don't lay anothe hand on him because if he hits you back then it's going to be in up in here." Mercedes said.
"What the fuck is your problem putting your fucking hands on me?"
"This is my fucking problem!," I grabbed the top of his shirt where the lipstick stain was and put it in his face.
He said nothing. He was was caught. Fuck him!
I stormed toward our bedroom and started packing all my things. I was so mad I started packing some of his things.
"Let me explain baby," he said trying I stop me.
"I don't want to hear it. You a fuck boy! How dare you try and play me when your dick is little!"
"What the fuck did you just say to me?"
"I said your dick is little butch now move out of my way,"
"Take me to my momma house,"
I told Mercedes she grabbed her keys from the table and we were out the door.
In the car I cried like someone died.
"You really want to go to your momma house?" Mercedes asked.
"No I just didn't want him to know where I'm going,"
"I'm glad you are out of there the relationship you had was just not healthy"
"Why do you think that,"
"Because he didn't want you to do anything. He barely wanted you to have a sell phone. All that money he makes and he don't want you to have a cell phone. Talking about it's a waste of money because the only person you need to talk to is him."
"I forgot all about that,"
"Yeah he is a little crazy but I thought that meant he loved me"
"Hell no he is like any other nigga that want his cake and eat it too,"
On the ride to her house my phone rang uncontrollably and it was him. A couple of times my sister called but I sent her to voicemail too. I wasn't in the mood for her either. I got to Merced's house and she showed me to the guest room and I went and got in my new comfy bed and cried myself to sleep.

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