Hard to Love (A Harry Styles Fanfiction)

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Chapter 1. The Boat Party

First chapter hope you enjoy!(:
Go watch the trailer if you havent already :D

read description at the end for more details!!


I flung myself on the couch next to my little brother and sister dressed in my seaboard print tank, red skinny jeans and Sperry’s ready for tonight’s events. I don’t know how I managed to score an invitation to Chloe and Callie’s 18th birthday party. The only time I talked to the twins was at school when they told my friends and I to move tables, so we never came off as “friends”. I wouldn’t even be going tonight if it wasn’t for Kendall and Shyla who begged me to go with them.
I looked over at my brother. He was playing with his new DS game mom had gotten him a few days ago and was too occupied to notice me. I signed and looked at the TV to see my sister had it on some celeb gossip show I could care less for. I never pay attention to celeb gossip; it’s their life it doesn't need to be put out in the open for everyone to know.

My phone buzzed and I quickly checked it

From: Kendz

"Hey girl we are on our way!!! "

I was about to respond when...

"OMD" My sister yelled causing me to jump and saw my brother drop his DS and cover his ears from the corner of my eye.

What the hell is OM...?

I looked at the TV and saw the British boy band she was obsessed with.

"Rumor has it that One Direction will be making a surprise performance on the Bradons birthday bash boat party tonight. Now we are not sure if this is true but we did see One Direction checking in at the Palestine Hotel on Sana Monica Beach!"

Sure enough there was a pic of the five boys checking in at a hotel. See what I mean no privacy.

"So get ready for a major surprise 1D fans."

"OMD OMD!! Greer isn't that the party you are going to?! Please please let me go please." She cried, tackling me with a hug.

"Emma what the- get off!" I said pushing her off of me.

"No you can't go! You’re too young and One Direction is not going to be there. Trust me."

"Catherine Hoyes just said-"

"It was just a rumor Em trust me. What would One Direction be doing at 18 year olds birthday party anyways? I’m sure they have better things to do with their time.”

“Agh I hate you!” She screamed storming up to her room making sure her stomps were heard at the top of the stairs. I jumped at the sound of her door slamming.

I groaned falling back down on the couch running my hands over my face, and probably ruining my makeup. DamnShe was always such a huge pain in the ass.

“Don’t worry Greer she will go and watch videos of them on YouTube and get over it.” My younger brother’s voice calming me instantly.

I giggled and pulled him into a hug. “Thanks bud.”

He looked up at me and sent me a toothy grin. “Can you read me a story when you get back?”

“It will be past your bed time by the time I get home.”

“But you always read me a story before bed.” He whined.

I smiled kissing his nose.

“Not tonight.”


As I sat in the car ride to Santa Monica beach where the boat would take off I wondered if One Direction would really be at the party. I'm not a fan, I don't know everything about them like my sister dose and I definitely don't know all of their songs like she dose. I only know their names Louis, Harry, Niall, Zayn, and Liam. I have heard them sing before though since Emma always has them blasting in her room, so they’re the reason for my constant migraines. Don't get me wrong their great singers and all and really cute with their British accents. I'm just not a huge obsessed fan.


"Come on guys we need to go if we want to make it to Santa Monica Pier in time."

I shook my curls and brushed my fringe to the side one last time. Satisfied with how they looked. I quickly walked out of the bathroom and into the living room where Louis Liam and Nail stood.

"Hazza you’re looking too sexy what if people try to steal you away from me?!" Louis said sticking his bottom lip out. I chuckled and took in his usual look.
A blue and white striped shirt, suspenders and blue pants with his hair sticking up in different directions.

"Thanks boo but no one can take me away from my Loubear."

"Awe Harrah my love!" He said pulling me into a dramatic hug. I smiled and hugged him back. Lou was my best mate. Ever since Simon put us together in XFactor to form One Direction Louis and I got on right away. I love all the boys but I get along the best with Louis. He is the funny one who is always joking around and pulling pranks. Even though he is the oldest out of all of us he still acts like a 5 year old which I find adorable.

"Zayn, come on we are going to be late." Liam yelled once more.

Liam is the most serious one. Everyone calls him Daddy Directioner because he holds the band together. He can be a little uptight but he is fun to be around too. Niall is our little leprechaun. Being the only Irish lad in the group he is really sweet and can make you feel better with just a simple smile. He has an obsession with eating and Nandos but that's alright with me.
Zayn finally came down his hair all greased up and styled.
Out of all of us he takes the longest getting ready, which is understandable I guess. He is definitely an interesting bloke that keeps to himself sometimes, but he always knows how and when to be there when you need a shoulder to lean on.

"Finally let's get going." Liam sighed with distraction before leaving out the door. We all pilled in the van and headed to the Santa Monica Pier.


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