Parvill (hints of smut nothing too bad i guess)

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" This is the right room isn't it Parv?" William Strife asks his friend as they enter the hotel room. Parv checks the number on the door. "Uh yeah I guess we can share" he avoids Strife's gaze. "I can sleep on the floor Parvis" "we have stuff to do tomorrow" "um... Anyway" strife said avoiding the truth "I'm going to go grab a soda you want one?" Parv shook his head. "I'm going to shower" Strife nodded and went down the hall. When he got to the lift he decided to go get some pizza. Figuring Parv would want some he decided on pepperoni. (idk) As he went down to the lobby, he wished he didn't have to share a bed. He wished he wished he wished. As he ordered the pizza he imagined what it's going to be like sleeping next to Parvis. He frowned. The person behind the counter looked at him with a worried expression holding his pizza box out to him. He smiled and nodded a thanks and stalked off , mentally slapping himself for forgetting the soda. He shrugged oh well water is fine he thought. As he flung open the door his cheeks went bright red. Parv was dripping wet with a towel slung lazily around his hips. He jumped at the sound of the door. "Oh hey will" "uh hey Parv........" "Here I got a pizza. Pepperoni" Strife said staring everywhere but where Parv's black body hair trailed beneath his towel. "awesome!" He said "let me get dressed and then I'm taking it" Will quickly grabbed half the pizza before Parv could devour all of it. He came stalking out of the bathroom moments later dressed, grabbing the other half of the pizza. "So drghfjdk" " ok Parvis try that again without pizza in your mouth" Parv laughed almost choking on his pizza. After he calmed down and swallowed he said " so Srifey who gets which side of the bed?" He said it so calmly Strife's eyes almost bugged out his head. " uh.....uh um I don't care......" Strife avoided Parv's eyes. "Aw come on Strife do you want me to choose?" "Uh sure Parv you choose." "Hmmmmmm" Parv hummed in fake contemplation. Strife wanted to smack him. "This side!" Parv announced pointing to the right then diving on the bed. It squeaked under his weight. Strife sighed and turned his back to Parvis, yanking off his shirt and pants. Quickly he slid into bed while Parv's back was turned. "Night" he mumbled. "So soon Strife? Well alright I guess it's a little late" he said glancing towards the clock. Strife turned away to give Parv privacy. Little did he know Parv had watched him strip and turned away and pretended to be fiddling with something when he turned back. Strife felt Parv's weight fall on to the bed. He tensed when he felt Parv's fingers brush his spine. "Uh..... Sorry Strife." Parv laughed nervously. Strife flipped over to get comfortable meeting Parv's eyes. He reached out and stuck his finger in Parv's chest, making both of them blush like mad. "Payback" he muttered. Suddenly without any warning Parv leaned over and brushed Strife's lips. Parv flipped back over saying "night" Strife just sat there his mouth and eyes wide open. He kinda liked it. It dawned on his mind that he kinda liked Parv. " uh. Night" he whispered. He kissed Parv's shoulder blade. He could feel him tense. He smiled and they both fell asleep.

BOOM DONE!!!!!! Sorry it took so long I've been lazy. Today I was doing announcements and I did something so funny I could barely do the rest. I was supposed to say "Good morning Luther Middle School" and I said "good Luthering" I was laughing so hard i had the other person who was helping me (my friend) finish what I was saying. Anyway sorry I got behind but I made this one longer than usual because I love you guys. Anyway I'm blabbing. Bai!!!!💙💙💙💙💙💙💙

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