chapter 5

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╼ Amara's point of view

jungkook showed jaér the pup, the pup was over excited and was barking too cute as soon as he saw jaér.

jaér's eyes lit up as he saw what he wanted for so long, a pup! "yeeeees!!" he screamed as if he won in a video game, he then hugged jungkook's legs tightly "thank you thank you!"

"youre welcome bud, you can have him" jungkook placed the pup on the floor and let it free, the pup was just about jungkooks feet and has a brown long hair, and a cute tiny tail that is wiggling.

"but hyung, how did you know that i wanted a pup?" jaér asked while still eyes on the pup trying to put it on leash that was given by you "your sister told me as i asked what would be the perfect gift for you" jungkook did played well.

"ehem, am i interrupting something here?" you said as you peeked on jaér's room, you can see he was very very happy about the pup and is now taking care of it. "jaér do you want to walk it outside the village?" you offered as you can see the pup was wanting to run around like jaér does "sure!".

you headed downstairs after you changed jaér's clothes and put the dog on leash. "jungkook, we're going to walk the dog for awhile, are you okay in here?" you interrupted jungkook who was in his phone, looks like texting someone. "uhm, can i join?" he said eyes still on his phone "sure i guess..."

"jaér dont run too far okay?!" you shouted at him as he was running around the playground happily with his pup. you and jungkook sat on a bech just facing the playground where jaér is,

"didn't your parents called you?" he started a conversation

"unfortunately, they didnt. i don't know if they're busy or– i dont want to think anymore honestly" you laughed

"yeah maybe they are, busy" he placed his feet forming a '4'

"dont you have nothing to do? while your parents are away?" you asked

"i was planning on inviting my friends to come for some just a drink. but yeah, i cant, cause my mom asked me to stay on your house even though i can handle my self" he shrugged

"if you want to, you can invite them, and maybe have a night swimming? just dont be rowdy, jaér might find new and more hyungs" you smiled looking at him while the sun behind him was blazing

"sure? we usually just talk and they can handle their selves pretty well even if they are drunk" he replied with eyes lit

another day had passed and jungkook decided to invite his friends for a little drink on your pool side. you didnt want to join them as to have a privacy, meanwhile you and jaér watched a movie instead.

it was almost midnight that jaér eventually fell asleep on the couch, so you carried and placed him to his bed to sleep comfortably. you went down to drink some water but instead finding someone that has a mullet hairstyle and was finding something on the refrigerator.

"can i help you?" you ask hesitantly, he turned around looking so surprised

"oh! yeah? sorry, jungkook asked me to get some ice but i dont know where it is" he has a pointy nose and a sculpted like figure, standing tall on his long legs "sorry im taehyung, kim taehyung" he bowed and handed his hands for a shake that you accepted

"hyung?" you heard jungkook's voice and caught you two shaking hands "i guess you just found him" he chuckled "his a bveeeery good friend of mine, his my hyung, and he's a bit chweeky" jungkook had his arm around taehyung and was a bit tipsy as his cheeks are getting red

"jungkook-ah, how many bottles did you have huh?" taehyung asked him while lighlty tapping his cheeks as he was getting half asleep on taehyungs shoulder "forget about the ice, maybe we started too early and made jungkook drunk," he just nervously laughs

"well you could put him in his bed upstairs and you can guys go home, ill just clean it tomorrow" and taehyung ended up putting jungkook on his bed and there he was, snoring lightly like cute little pig, wait what?

babysitting ; j.jungkookWhere stories live. Discover now