Chapter 5

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A/n: Guys, if the wording doesn't make sense, it's my keyboard. My Samsung keyboard has weird autofill, and it autocorrects to weird things. Sorry about that! >.< back to the story!

He looks like an angry toddler that didn't get Halloween candy. Once you're done laughing at Gavin's face, he whines about the androids not moving from their place in the hot car. Connor moves out of the car and laughs, as it was Nines's idea. "You know, you can get out now Nines, right?" You ask him, and he nods. "Sooo... You aren't gonna get out?" You say. He shakes his head. I'm not getting out until Gavin does. He tells you, wrapping his arms around Gavin.

You shrug, and Gavin gets out after sitting with Nines for a bit.

(Time skip brought to you by the complete opposite of writer's/artist's block)

That night, Connor made a bit of popcorn. He let you decide what movie or show they watched. After they ate all the popcorn, you had snuggled up to Connor. You then drifted off to sleep. The Zen garden faded in and Amanda's talking came in with it. It was garbled then clear. "RX800, or y/n, I'm disappointed. You leave, take the job destined for you, take out your LED, and then, as a deviant, do everything wrong?! You make Cyberlife sick, you complete waste of material!" Her voice gets more and more static like as you zone out in your nightmarish dream.

Your daze gets broken by Connor nudging you awake, calling you awake. "Y/n? Y/n! Y/n?!" He says, getting louder each time. He watches as tears slide down your face, a scene he hated, but it happened too often. "Y-yeah?" You stutter. "You were crying, why?" Connor asks, hugging you to his chest.

~3rd person~

She sniffles and transfers that one memory to him. He gasps, hugging her tighter. "I'm so sorry!" He says, grabbing her chin as if he were to kiss her. "It's not your fault love-er... well, there's no going back now... right?" Y/n says, stumbling on her words. She blushes in embarrassment and kisses him. On the lips. He was getting ready to kiss her forehead, but, alas, she has other plans. His face lights up blue slightly. She releases, taking a breath. They smile. "I've been waiting for this moment, y/n. You know that, like, I've always had a crush on you, right?" He confesses first, her nodding at his question. "I dropped my coin, every time because I was too busy staring at your beauty," Connor says.

~2nd person~

He knew you were too timid to confess, so, it happened accidentally as your mechanics predicted. You bet he knew it would happen too. The rest was an awkward mess. You both remember it though. He got up after you lay back down on the blankets. Connor changed pants and turned the TV to automatic mode. He then played back down. Oh my god... He's athletic, like really athletic. Damn. You think, sighing. You play with the hem of your sleep shirt until he lays back down and pulls the blankets on himself.

(I'm sorry, I don't know what to put, so here's a sponsored [not sponsored;-;] time skip)

~Connor's POV~

In the morning, I lay there. I processed what could happen when she woke up. I dare not move, because y/n is half-hugging me. I think about the puppy I should go pick up in a few hours. P/n, I'll be there in a bit. I just gotta get ready. I think to myself, slowly slipping away from her grip, as she had started to roll over. Ok, let's do this. I think, taking the hair clip from my hair and brushing it out. "Oh god, I'm a hot mess," I say to myself, running my fingers through my hair. I mess with my hair, trying different styles, but then turn it to its original messy state, as it was when I woke up.

Y/n walks in, jumping in surprise. "C-Connor..." She says, me jumping when she says something. Her face shimmers with a light blue, as I am not wearing my shirt. "Oh, uh sorry... I haven't changed yet." I stutter. She shrugs and goes to get her clothes on. I look at myself in the mirror. My hair looks cute a bit messy. I decide not to waste a thousand litres of hair gel today. My suit doesn't seem like a good thing to wear today. I instead put on a lavender shirt and grey khaki shorts. I look in the mirror again and feel accomplished.

Y/n twirl in her f/c dress as I tell her it's time to go. "Wow, you are... not formal today, huh Connor?" She asks me, linking her arm in mine. "I guess not. I think I look good today, don't you think?" I tease her. She giggles at my goofy remark. "You do look good with messy-esce hair." Y/n said,  smiling. 

Once again, Gavin gives in and doesn't try to win so he can drive. He then complains that she kicked him in back. "Well, maybe don't give up before you try and maybe your boyfriend can sit upfront when you win." She said, looking in the rear-view mirror. He crosses his arms, then realises something. "Wait, wait wait! You're not denying that fact anymore? That means I can't tease you as a brother would! And yes I see you as a sister," he says.

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