Chapter 2

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Warning: There is a small implication of abuse and rape in the beginning of this chapter, in case anyone finds this offensive.

The dwarves locked a heavy chain around your neck, using it to pull you along, as well as a thick rope around your wrists. The cold metal of the chain dug into your skin painfully, its weight pushed down into your collar bones. Once they had made camp, they all took their turns humiliating you; throwing insults at you, ripping your clothing off, using you to relieve their sexual desires, making you beg. This continued for days, each day that went by, the more your body ached. Your clothes were shreds that pathetically hung onto your body. The dwarves didn’t bother feeding you. The only sort of nourishment you got was the rain; you would hold your head to the sky with your mouth open to quench your thirst. The dwarves just dragged you along and used you whenever suited them.

It had almost been a week. You had no idea where you were, and you noticed that your bones protruded significantly from under your skin. The dwarves all lay around the fire, snoring in their sleep. You sat up, seeing the end of your chain resting in the broad palm of one of them. Gently tugging on it, you successfully released yourself from the dwarf’s grip. You silently stood up and quickly scanned your eyes around until you found your weapons by a tree, along with some axes. Stepping over the sleeping bodies, you cautiously made your way to your belongings. Using one of the axes, you cut the rope that kept your wrists together, and without further hesitation you grabbed your things and ran away as fast as you could, leaping over logs and bushes.

By the time the sun was rising, you had just stopped running, your lungs burned for air. You sat down at the base of a tree, taking deep breaths and gently massaging your aching legs with your weak, boney hands. It wasn't long until you found yourself falling asleep.

- - -

 "Hey! Come back here!" Your eyes shot open, hearing a child's voice echo around the trees.

You grabbed your bow and got into a crouching position, peering at the voice from behind the tree.

You saw a small elfling running, arms held out as he chased a butterfly. Your lips twitched up into a small smile as you watched the elfling’s smiling face. His golden hair danced behind him and glistened in the sunlight. As he carried on running, you changed your position so that you could keep him in your view. A twig snapped under your boot as you moved, and the boy stopped to look in your direction, letting the butterfly flee. His large, blue eyes blinked at you.

“Are you an elf?” he asked, tilting his head to the side.

“Yes.” you replied with a raspy voice, and smiled, pulling your hood down. He smiled back and skipped to you. His mouth dropped and his eyes widened. “...something wrong?” you asked, surprised that he did not fear you.

“Wow! You have a bow!” he smiled widely and gasped. “And a sword! Are you a soldier?” his shiny eyes darted from the sword, to the bow, and then up at your face. You let out a small laugh.

“No, I am not. However, I was taught by the best people.” you winked, trying to ignore the memories of that night at the inn. He rocked back on his heels and plopped down on his bottom.

“One day, I wanna be a soldier and use a bow!” he punched his small fist up into the air. “What’s your name?”

“I am Calathiel.” you replied. “What is yours?”

“Legolas. My daddy is the king!” he grinned proudly. You raised your eyebrows.

“Wow, I am honoured to meet someone of royalty, Prince Legolas.” you bowed your head to him. He shrugged his shoulders up and giggled. “Are you here alone, Legolas?”

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