Chapter 1 rustys pov

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Authors note: i will actually start this as firestar the kittypet aka rusty so enjoy the story

Rusty sat upon his fence as always looking into the forest, not that he hated his home he just didn't prefer to stay inside. He didn't like the food the two legs gave him and the water tasted strange so he usually drank from puddles from the rain. There weren't always puddles from the rain so some days he preferred to just force himself to drink the water they gave him. Soon he heard a twig snap this got his attention he averted all his senses in the area the noise came from. A large striped tabby with many scars walked towards his fence. He starred in fear and confusion he finally got the courage to speak. " W-what are you doing here? " He asked he hoped it sounded as brave as he wanted it to but it came out as a fearful mew . The striped tabby jerked his head towards him . Rusty felt his skin crawl ." What's it to you kittypet. " The tabby hissed at rusty. "I w-was just asking. " He mewed fearfully yet bravely. " Mind your business. " the cat hissed . Rusty felt scared and jumped down and darted towards his two legs garden. Eventually there was a thud from the fence and soon pawsteps were heard walking towards Rusty . Rusty shivered in fear " your fine kittypet. " he heard the tabby hiss. " Follow me." The other cat hissed.

Another authors note: sorry for the short chapter this is all I can think of for now please if you enjoyed the chapter leave a comment and support me if you want but please no bullying or bad comments it really ruins my day when people do things like that thank you and enjoy you day

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