Firepaws pov

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    I woke up to a warm pelt against my side I slowly leaned up. The cat who bad decided to lie beside me began to move. I couldn't tell who it was but they had a gray pelt that had a bit of a glow to it from the sun. I got up stretching sleepily and shook the extra moss off of me. The cat had now fully woke up and mewed a good morning which sounded sleepy. "Good morning." I mewed back. We both padded out of the apprentice den and sat under the shade of  a tree. " I'm gray stripe." He mewed happily. "Fire paw." I mewed in return. As I began to relax a all too familiar cat approached, it was the scarred tabby." Get ready to go," he hissed. " by the way I'm tigerclaw ." I ignored him not feeling in the mood to talk back. I got up and followed him out of the camp to learn everything I could quickly.

*time skip to later in the day when he learned all the ways to hunt *

    I slowly creeped through the woods listening to every noise. *snap* I darted to the sound chasing the rabbit that had unluckily stepped on the twig. With a pounce and another snap I was walking away with a dead rabbit in my jaws. 'I'm so proud of myself ' I thought .

Thanks for reading  again sorry for the short chapter

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