~one • the break-up

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Hello y'aaaaaalls. pls support this one. i really enjoyed writing this hehe. also sorru for making you cry after reading this.

WARNING : go get some tissues near you bcs you'll cry mates


"Three words. It's just three words yet it feels like I was stabbed with a knife on my back or was shot by a gun on my head"


With a heavy heart and tears flowing down to his pretty face like a river that seems can't stop from flowing.
Eunsang found himself sitting on an empty swing near their park. He swung slowly while reminscing what had just happened and he felt like his heart will burst out not because of happiness but because of sadness and pain.


'So did you wait me for too long?"
Eunsang asked his boyfriend Junho with a wide smile forming from his lips. If he just can purr like a cat out of happiness,then maybe he did it that time.

"Sit down first Eunsang" Junho seriously said to him with a firm tone.
Did I did something wrong? Eunsang thought because it's the first time Junho called him his full name. Usually he will call him 'Eunsangie' or 'Macaron' and even 'Priki' when the atmosphere is giddy but that's not the atmosphere right now indeed and Eunsang felt the extreme nervousness he is feeling right now. His heart beats faster and his guts are telling him that something not so good will happen.

"Okie why so serious?" he playfully teased his boyfriend who is on the other hand still has a serious look on his face.

He was trying to make his boyfriend smile because he isn't used to this aura his boyfriend is giving to him.

"Hey don't be so upset. I told you there was a traffic jam right? How about I will order for the both of us?" he is trying his very best not to sound very nervous and he kept telling to himself that the reason why Junho is like this is because he was late for their date.

He held Junho's hand and he saw from the corner of his eye that Junho stare at his hand covering Junho's warm and big hand.

"What do you like? Ahm how about pink milkshake? It's your favorite right? Or the one we didn't taste yet? What is it again? Oh it's matcha cookie. I heard it's not good but we have to try something new because who knew it doesn't taste so ba---" he couldn't finish his sentence because Junho interrupted him. He can't believe he is hearing the sentence that Junho just said to him. He felt his heart ache and his vision went blurry. His breathe became heavily and his knees are shaking.

"Let's break up" Three words. It's just three words yet he felt like he was stabbed with a knife on his back or was shot by a gun on his head. He can't explain what he is feeling that time.

He was waiting for his boyfriend to say 'Boo-yah it was a prank. You should've seen your face" but seconds had passed and...it didn't happen

Pain,sadness,confusion and many more emotions are now filling his whole body right now.

He tries to open his mouth but nothing came out from it. He then tried again but also nothing. His hands are trembling and his chest pound so loud. If he can just hear it then he maybe a deaf right now,at this moment

"W-why?" the first word that came out from his mouth and so many thoughts are running from his mind

"Is it because I'm annoying? clingy,childish or is it because you love someone else now?" he was thankful at that moment that he didn't stutter,not a single word

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