~four • playful fate

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Eunsang feel something bad will happen today. He don't know but his guts seems like detecting something. Something that will probably 'go wrong'

He shook his head as he continue to walk to the music room. He wants to be a part of it. He really love music since he was a kid. He felt like he fell inlove the first time he listened to it. It feels like the music took his soul and his heart the moment he listened to the very first beat of it

He even joined singing competition and won a lot of times. And that was one of his greatest trait for being a guy. That's one of the reason why people like him despite of his childish personality and stubborness

That was when he entered middle school. He stopped joining singing contest and start to focus on his study. Being am only child,he don't want to dissapoint his parents becaise of his academics. He wasn't bad as a student. Infact,he was always one of the top of the class but he don't want a distraction so he quit joining singing contest. He still sing tho. It became his habit. Too bad he no longer can show to the world his beautiful and sweet voice

But now there's a chance. He wants to persue singing again. So he decided to join music club. He don't know if he still have the ability to sing and he wants to go to a stage-performing a great song again

He knocked several times before the door open and he was greeted by a tall,muscular and very manly man

"Hi how may I help you?" the manly guy polity asked him. The guy gave him a warm smile so he just smiled back

"Hi,I'm here to sign up for music club" he said hoping that there still a slot because he heard earlier that there are so many students who are interested in music as him

He can't help but to remember what he'd just saw a few days ago. If his eyes weren't playing a prank on him. He swear he really saw Junho that time. His heart skipped a beat. He shook his head before looking at the guy infront of him

"Really? Well,you are lucky because we still have a slot" the manly guy replied with a hint of joy on his voice

The manly guy introduced himself and Eunsang did the same. He knew the name of the guy is Seungwoo, he the name suits him

Seungwoo accompany him inside the room and he can't help but to be amazee by what he's seeing. The design of the room was very unique and beautiful. It's more like an art room than music room. It also smell amazing and that made Eunsang feel comfortable

"You can feel in this form. Btw what song do you like?" Seungwoo asked as if they were close already. Well he seems very friendly and he feel at ease with him

"Uh I like classic song and country music. And also ballad but sometimes I think pop and rock songs are great and powerful" he explained. Seungwoo nodded before smiling at him again

"You have some music taste. I like your song choice" he nodded and smiled at Seungwoo before filling up his form

When he finished filling it up,Seungwoo took it and introduced him to some members of music club

There he met new friends. They are all friendly especially Yuvin,Minkyu,Hyeop,Seungyoun and many other students

Minutes or an hour had passed,they already sharing personal stuffs with each other. He laughed very hard everytime someone was sharing an embarassing and funny moments that ever happened to them. He also knew somethinf very personal on each member of the music club. For example,
Minkyu wasn't single. He has a boyfriend named Hyeongjun. They said Hyeongjun is really cute. They made a joke that they love to pinch his fluffy and soft cheeks someday-which made Minkyu whined and cursed all of them. He seems very possesive huh?
Same goes to Wooseok-their member who looks so fiery and grumpy. He found out that he is also a friendly person but always too shy to approach you first so he was always quite but when you get to know him,well your eardrums might explode. He also found out he is dating a guy from different school ; named Jinhyuk. He laughed so hard when Wooseok said they fight alot just because Wooseok always forgot to reply on his texts and ignoring his phone calls. He said Jinhyuk won't talk to him for days but will start to be clingy again to him for not too long

When the attention divert to him-he knew he have to share something. All eyes were on him now,waiting for his mouth to say something. He didn't think
to much,he wants to be honest with them. He opens his mouth to start his
very happy ending love story

"Well I have a boyfriend who was more mature than me. He loves to read and often annnoyed by me. He loves to go to coffeeshop and ice cream shop but will order just one while I almost eaten all of the drinks and foods on the menu"
he explained giggling on the last part. The other laugh too but Seungwoo looked at him and asked

"But why did you say was?  What happened?" the others nod their head and Eunsang was left speechless,as if he was on a hot seat

"Well we brok---" he didn't finished his next sentence because someone open the door and all of the gaze went to it

"Uhm sorry. Am I already late?" the black haired boy asked as he joined them on the floor

The members entertain the guy,scolding him for being so late. But Eunaang didn't care anymore. His focus was now on the black hairee boy infront of him

"Oh Junho before we forgot to tell you,this is Eunsang our new member" Seungwoo introduce him. They eyes met and he can see many reactions on Junho's eyes. Just like him,Junho didn't expect it to happen

"Uh hi" Eunsanng was thankful he didn't stutter that time. He collected all of his courageness to be brave this time. he can't show to him that he's still affected by him

"Hi" Junho simply replied and they share and awkward smile

The conversation continue but Eunaang can't focus. His mind was blank and he was trying his really best not to look at the guy accross him

Hmm this will be a lot of explanation to make for Dongpyo


Hello poddles. If you enjoy this chapter pls don't forget to vote. Also thank you for 300 reads.

I'm having a mental breakdown rn and this is one of my way to get distracted from the world. I just want to cry and to cry and to cry and to cry and to cry and to cry and to cry.

Bye for now.


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