Friday 13th

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Yeah, you'll spend today thinking, "Oh my god! This is such bad luck!"

But don't discriminate against cats... not the black one's either. We are not racist, or catist.

So? Really, why do we have this fear of Friday the Thirteenth. What is so scary and unlucky about this one day. And about the number 13 in general?

Find out this and more on Kitty's Mythbusters, coming this July.

Just joking bro... you can read it not. Just keep reading and click the follow button. And the vote icon thing. 

And gimmie $20. I like my ca$h.

So yeah. Let's get down to business. Starting with 13.

One, Jason. Fuck that serial killer. And ouch, what a way to go.


Two, Loki. You Son of a frost giant.

Yeah, you read the description correctly.

So the Ass-guardians invite twelve (ehem! You read that right!)  gods to their little party, leaving out one important god of mischief. 

Seeing as in mythology Thor and Loki aren't exactly bros, but instead like, foreign cousins of incest... aren't all gods though?

Sidetrack, we are all children of incest. Think about it.

So yeah, not exactly related,  but WHAT THE HECK ASS-GUARDIANS? YOU FORGOT YOUR TINY BRO!

So yeah, Loki wasn't invited and you probably know this story. He kills Balder, the god of niceness (ew) and indestructibility and shit that was apparently weak to mistletoe.

Thank god they don't have classic Christmas traditions.

So yeah, a game went during the party that the gods would through weapons at Balder, see if they could hit him. Barbaric, I know, but these guys practically shit out Snotlout and their Viking children.

So Balder had a brother, SHOCKER, that was well, blind. Loki decided to give this blind brother a dart. Made of mistletoe. Yay. 

So, long story short, blind bro shoots Balder, Balder dies.

Hela promises to bring back Balder if every single god cries. They all do, but Loki is still salty about not getting invited to that party, and doesn't cry.

Balder stays dead.

So, the thirteenth guest, LOKI!

And thus, the norse think 13 is unlucky.

And three, Christianity.

I don't know much about religion, but here it goes.

Nobody really knows why, but thirteen is just bad news. Real bad news.

Some say Jesus was crucified (ouch) on this day, but I can't really double check this, so I have no clue.

And others claim that Adam and Eve ate some forbidden fruit on this day (baaaaaad).

Honestly, I don't know. Don't attack me.

Let's move on.


Yup, reading.

The good, ole' Code of Hammurbai that for some reason does not have a thirteenth rule (Loki....)

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