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Personifications are well known for the love and health. It's said they give their land magical abilities and this is why some people grew the desire to become like them: for love, happiness, and magic. Than the apocalypse happened and the humans soon grew desperate to fix it… they thought they figured out a way.

One day they got a hold of a personification that hardly anyone knew and started draining him of his happiness, love, and magic. As the process happened the boy grew grayish and started feeling empty inside. His hair, than his eyes, his skin, everything turned gray and he became nothing but a hollow shell of his former self.

Though the humans got what they desired, they didn't think the gray boy would try and attack, that's when they also implemented the ability to mind control the boy which made him a puppet to their games. They earned the personification and their abilities… but little did they know the counterpart could feel what happened to the other and she warned everyone, she tried and tried but was dismissed as paranoid.

She was always gray, it was a surprise her country was still alive but her's was built by a gray so her home didn't need love or happiness inorder to live. So when they dismissed her she never left her home again.

It wasn't until 10 years later that humans seized after the personifications and claimed one again that they began their run and hid away from the humans. Another 5 years passed it had been calm and peaceful, even partying, this… lead to a certain human finding them.

Axel Maddox, Hunter and Criminal, found the personifications and got his gun ready, he went and attacked the personifications. How didn't the personifications win? He had this charm that nulled personification abilities within a 5 mile radius. He managed to get 15 personifications than the rest ran. Axel chuckled and brouth the 15 back to the kingdom of AllLand, but a small team of personificationa refused to believe that this was the last time they were going to see their friends/family… they wanted to go after them. They had too! So, they ventured forth the dangerous journey to the kingdom of AllLand with the help of an unexpected friend. Will they save their friends and family? What secrets will be unfolded? Who can you trust? Well… find out.~

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