Ch 1- We're Safe!

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    "We're fine! No human is going to come and find us, Illusion!"

   "You're wrong! Don't throw the party! They'll be after us and everyone that you love and care for!"

   "You're just paranoid!"

 She tried, that's all she did. She wanted to protect her fellow personifications from a fate that's worse than death itself. No one ever saw that, they saw her trying to get everyone to be gray like her. They think she wants everyone to suffer and that's why she tries to tell them not to do anything loud or fun, they never believed that it was for the best interest of everyone.

 Illusion Wickersham, personification of the Bermuda Triangle, was already gray. Unlike everyone else who was raised to be happy, loving, and accepting, she grew up cold, hostile, and unforgiving. No one accepted her for who she was... except one.

 Icelyn Fronzen, the 2p personification of West Antarctica, she grew up to love, cherish, and be happy with everyone. Though every time she wanted to help Illusion, the others would get upset with Illusion for corrupting the child.

 This one day was especially day, it marked the 15 year anniversary of the first victim. Someone Illusion seemed to really care about and that's why she was especially harsh to everyone when she found out that there was going to be a party to celebrate their 10 year anniversary of not seeing a human. Illusion wasn't going to let this slide without a word or two being thrown in, she stormed over to the middle of town where everyone was and snarled. Alfred, Ludwig, Ivan, and Icelyn turning to the teen and the males all sighed in exasperation, Icelyn seeming to perk up in joy,

 "Ili!" The child beamed and ran over to the female, Illusion nudging the girl away as she went to the three males,

 "You're kidding me, right?!" She started, eyes red. Though everything was gray, her eyes were the one thing that still had color. Ludwig sighed,

 "Listen, Fräulein, it's to celebrate zhe accomplishment of having zhe humans off our trail for over 10 years-"

 "While it's also the anniversary of our first family member taken away from us!! We start celebrating and we can run the risk of having the humans find us and turn you all gray?!" She yelled,

 "Illusion, we have no fear of humans! They cannot find us! We are the safe!" Ivan tried to reassure,

 "Yeah, we thought that before and than Icelyn's brother got taken 5 years later! We aren't safe! We should be hiding, not celebrating!" She exclaimed,

 "Illusion, chill brah, we got it covered! We can use our abilities as personifications to help us win against those humans!" Alfred exclaimed with his usual cheery smile,

 "No! I won't! There are so many things that can go wrong! Why don't you guys listen to me?!" She yelled and grabbed at her hair, snarling a bit,

 "Because we need to keep everyone else calm for zhe party, now run along. We know you wouldn'tz want to come to our party, anyway." Ludwig states and waves a dismissive hand, him walking off to go bark more orders.

 Illusion growled lowly and shook her head,

"You aren't safe!" She yelled than Alfred covered her mouth,

 "Ilu, we-" He startes than screeched in pain.

Everyone had turned to this when they heard Alfred who held his hand, blood from the sharp teeth that were on the girl now, her snarling at everyone,

 "Don't call me that! Only one person can call me that and their gone!" She yelled as she clenched her fist, heaving. 

 Icelyn frowned as she saw the tension than ran over,

 "I-Illusion?" She asked softly and gently put her hand on her shoulder, only to whimper at the smack to the face.

 Everyone that was near gasped at that and Illusion snarled than saw who she smacked, her frowning as her eyes went gray and her teeth were back to normal, she stepped back and hugged herself,

 "I-Icey..? I-I didn't- I- I- ..." She lost her words as they gray grew darker.

Icelyn rubbed her face but than tried going over to Illusion but Ivan and Alfred got in front of her,

"Are you serious right now, Illusion?! First you yell at us, than you bite Alfred, now you're hitting Icelyn?! What is wrong with you?!" Ivan yelled at the child, his dark aura around him as Alfred had furry in his eyes,

 "Just because we don't listen to you doesn't mean we have to sit here and let you hurt others around us!" Alfred exclaimed, both heading towards the girl while she had her head down and was shaking a bit.

 Icelyn growled a bit and stomped her foot down, ice going over to the two and trapping them in place on the ground. Alfred and Ivan at first panicked but than looked at Icelyn who was in between the three,

 "She just wants to protect us! Sh-she has every right t-to a say as we do! Sh-she's a personif-fication! You two need to stop being m-mean and listen to her i-instead of just dismissing h-her as if n-nothing's wrong!" She snapped and frowned her brows.

 The two stood in shock as they watched Icelyn hug Illusion as the teen buried her face into the child's shoulder, Icelyn gently shushed her like an infant and lightly ran her fingers through her silky hair, the child trying her best to calm down her friend. Icelyn sighed and stomped her foot down, letting Alfred and Ivan go,

 "L-Let me deal with this, o-okay?" Icelyn asked but didn't leave time for questions as she walked away from everyone. Oliver, Viktor, and Matt running over as they heard the commotion,

 "Oh dear, what happened?! What happened to my poppet?!" Oliver cried out, his mother hen mode kicking in,

 "Da! And my milaya! Ivan, I swear to god this better not be a joke!" Viktor snapped at Ivan who hid behind Alfred, the American growling a bit,

 "We didn't do anything! You're psychotic kid attacked us first! Than she slapped Ice!" Alfred defended,

 "My poppet doesn't act out unless she's being ignored or hurt! So don't you dare call my sweet poppet psychotic!" Oliver exclaimed, eyes flashing back and forth between his normal eyes and crazy eyes,

 "Well I sure can call her psychotic, look at who her father is!" Alfred yelled.

 That did it. They broke out into a fight that slowly started to spread like wildfire in summer, meanwhile Icelyn was walking with Illusion in the forest. Icelyn trying to figure out why Illusion snapped like that... she had to get to the bottom of this, for everyone's sake.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2019 ⏰

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