Species (Saiyans) [DC Comics]

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Saiyans ("People of the Saiya"): The Saiyans are a race of extraterrestrial humanoid aliens. The Saiyans are a naturally aggressive conquering warrior race who were striving to be the strongest species in the universe, but events lead to where all of the Saiyans were brought to near extinction by Frieza.

But they were Saiyan survivors one of them being Kakarot or his earth name Goku who was originally believed to have been sent to destroy earth, as Raditz and others believe. However in reality, Goku was sent to Earth by his parents Bardock and Gine to actually escape the doom of planet Vegeta. while others like Vegeta, Nappa and Raditz were off world for their species extinction, Paragus and Broly survived because of Broly's immense power as a newborn and Tarble (Vegeta's brother) was banished for planet Vegeta because of his weak power and unwillingness to fight; if there are any other Saiyan survivors they have not yet revealed themselves or are hiding somewhere in the universe.

                                                        *Different Races of the Saiyans*

Rebirth/ Reawakened Saiyan

Rebirth/ Reawakened Saiyans are the result of the Guardians genetic alteration slowly beginning to be purified from the Saiyan gene pool as the Saiyan race had been evolving for thousands of years in order to overcome the Guardians "Genetic Barriers", The rebirth Saiyans started to slowly emerge around the Monarch Era Of King Vegeta, Modern day Saiyans are far weaker than Rebirth Saiyans and Rebirth Saiyans should be considered their genetic superior as Rebirth Saiyans posses all the abilities and attributes of the Modern day Saiyans but are immensely enhanced, they also posses abilities that Modern Saiyans don't posses aligning them more to their Ancient Saiyan counterparts. 

Reawakened Saiyans are referred to as "The Reawakened/ Reborn" by the Evil Saiyan.

Ancient Saiyans/ True Saiyans

Ancient Saiyans existed long ago the Ancient Saiyan race were a race of warriors that spread across the universe, their primary power was that they were capable of evolving to surpass destroy anything as their race was a 'Warrior Race' they fought and adapted to numerous of planets and species and on occasions when they would meet their match, once they defeated that species the Saiyans would "Mate" with the inheritance in order to make their race on a whole more stronger by gaining that races powerful traits and abilities while retaining the Saiyan instinct to dominate and conquer.

They would begin to become so powerful that they would begin to threatened the likes of the Guardians of the Universe and even Deities with their sheer numbers and raw power each one possessed, they would of continued to evolve and would of eventually surpassed the Gods and entities if not stopped by the Gods and Guardians of the Universe, by altering their DNA similar to the martians, this process stripped the Saiyan's of all their numerous powers/abilities and severely depower their ability to evolve and grow in power.

It is unknown if any Ancient Saiyan's aside form one survived the Guardians altering process but so far none have shown themselves yet. Like the Modern Saiyans they also can transform into the Great Ape, Super Saiyan, Super Saiyan 2 and Super Saiyan 3. Notably one Ancient Saiyan who belonged to a cluster of Saiyans similar to himself displayed the unique "Evil Saiyan" state.

Good ancient Saiyans are referred to as "The Defeated" by the Evil Saiyan.

Modern Saiyans/ The Contaminated Saiyans

The Saiyans who eventually joined the Frieza Force were the Saiyans who moved from Planet Sadala to Planet Vegeta these Saiyans are the one who ever altered by the Guardians and as a result lost much of their former powers and abilities this happened because of their evil tendencies, The Saiyan species was nearly wiped out by Frieza - leaving only a handful remaining of Saiyans which would be mainly Reawakened Saiyans. Modern Saiyans although not shown it is theorised that they would of possessed the ability to take on any Saiyan form aside from the Legendary Saiyan States, Modern Saiyan were also majorly if not entirely inferior to the Reawakened and Ancient Saiyans as modern day Saiayn lost many of their previous powers and abilities and one that were not taken were severely depowered. 

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