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The work at Office had been pretty busy the past two days. It was because of the new gaming company set up in the counter parts of the city near those of Tin's. And their sales have dropped by 0.12% over the last month and Tin couldn't have that. He didn't want his company to back down in any sector.

That included tonnes of work at different departments all over the company. Tin had been busy with multiple meetings and discussions that he could barely spend time with Can. Can wasn't free either, he was assigned a lot of work, mostly paperwork as well as keeping up with Tin's schedule on day to day basis.

They could only chat for a bit in the morning on the car ride and Tin usually made his driver drop Can off at the house since he was always stuck with one meeting or the other to do it himself. Once they reached the office they were dumped with  lots of work and they hardly had time to converse. Tin still managed to make Can feel content and special with his bright smiles. He would ruffle his hair affectionately, here and there, wink at him playfully in the meetings and he would brush his hand when they passed each other on the hallway.

And that made Can feel special. He was never bored of work anymore, the  very presence of his boss made him happy whatsoever. It gave him the motivation to keep going.

Can was as usual seated at his desk with a tonne of paperwork and a laptop, occasionally typing on it and making notes simultaneously. He sighed in frustration when he realized that the draft he made the other day was sent back for a redo by the marketing department.

He cracked his knuckles and stretched his body. He heard the door click open. He looked up to find Tin with a brown paper bag in his hand and a file on the other hand. He was clad in his usual office outfit, a magenta coloured shirt and a black coat over it. His jaw line looked more evident today, and it made him look so hot. Can could never get sick of his office outfits.

"There you go! Where were you, I received a call from Mr.Kincaid for your-"

"I know. I already talked to him, melon." Tin said calmly.

Can nodded. "What about the booklet event-"

"Noah took care of it." Tin replied.

"Mr.Jeon corp. Skype meet-"

"Postponed to next week!" Tin.

Can sighed "okay, done with major work today. You know the marketing department wanted a redo of the assignment. Why aren't they satisfied with any of them, its like the 3rd time I'm doing em. I should probably get started again, arh."

He opened the laptop only  for it to be slammed closed again. He looked at Tin, he was looking at him in disapproval.
"That's okay Can. You can do that later."

"But Tin--"

"Melon," Tin called out and took Can's hand in his. "Take a break."
Can sighed and put the laptop away as Tin pulled his chair closer with a sweet little smile. Can couldn't help but smile back at him like a idiot.

"I got you donuts!" Tin said opening the brown paper bag he got. He handed one to Can. Can looked at the donut, dipped in Chocolate and nuts  and smiled. "They looks delicious." He took a bite and smiled at  him triumphantly.  "It also tastes delicious." Can said and Tin nodded.  They ate happily and conversed for sometime when it was almost end of their break. They both stood up from their seats

Can stared at him with admiration. He was just a secretary, all  he had was basic work and that itself got him worked up and Tin had to manage a whole damn company. He still found time to spend with him. Buy him things and tried to look happy for him. Tin was a amazing person. Can felt so lucky to be with him.

"What are you thinking about?" Tin asked.

"N-nothing, just work. Its just that my hands hurt from all the writing and typing." Can pouted.

Tin reached out and took both of Can's hand in his. Tin caressed his knuckles and kissed the back of his hand softly shooting a spasm of tingles over Can's skin.
Can's heart raced rapidly.

"Feeling better now?" Tin asked.

Can had heat creeping up to his cheeks as he spoke,
"I think my lips hurt too."

Tin chuckled at that. He leaned forward and cupped his face, running a thumb over his cheek. It made Can blush a little, Tin was happy knowing only he could make his melon blush like that. He titled his head, and captured his lips into a deep kiss. Can gasped into the kiss as Tin's hand trailed all the way down to his waist circling him in a tight grip. Can wrapped his arms around his neck and kissed him back feeling a unknown excitement with every time their lips moved.

Tin nibbled at his lower lip when Can parted his lips lightly, Tin slid his tongue in savouring the delicious taste of chocolate and vanilla. Can moaned into the kiss as Tin's grip on his waist tightened. Can was loving every moment of it. He had never experienced anything like this before. His whole body heated up as Tin worked his way to the side of his neck. He kissed there gently making Can shudder in pleasure. He wanted more.
His whole body was excited in anticipation as to what Tin would do next when the door barged open. The sound of footsteps made them jump apart like the opposite person was fire. Can had his eyes wide in shock when he saw the person who entered the room.

"Oh. my. god.!" Pha gasped, his expression that of perplexity.

Can wanted to dig a pit and burry himself in there. He blushed a crimson and for the first time he saw Tin flustered.

"Uh... I-I will get back later." Pha mumbled and started walking awa awkwardly. He spun around before exiting for the last time with a evident smirk as he said,
"Just so you know, the doors have locks."  He left.

"This is so embarrasing ahrrr...." Can groaned and buried his face into his hands. Tin chuckled. He removed his hands from his face and made him look up.

"Come on Melon, its not that bad" Tin spoke as he casually wrapped his arms from Can's waist as he leaned on the table. Can sighed and buried his face in Tin's chest. "I'm gonna cringe at this for rest of my life"

Tin chuckled and stroked his hair gently making Can's eyes shut in comfort. They stayed there for a while, Tin was the first one to pull back. "We need to get back to work"

Can looked disappointed, he wanted to spend more time with him. He didn't want to let go for even a while. Tin observed his sad expression, and bit his lower lip in thought. " will meet you gorgeous, on Tuesday again."

Can looked down, "You, leaving again?"

"Yeah my client is taking me to his house which is at outskirts. I won't be back until tuesday." Tin said. Can wanted to join him but he had a lot of work for himself. Now he had to stay here all alone, for four whole days. 

"Don't go." Can mumbled, a sad smile featuring on his face.

Tin smiled too, "I don't want to but I have to Melon."

Can pouted "yeah, right."

"I will miss my boyfie" Tin imitated in baby voice and that made Can  chuckle a little but the sadness was still there as he replied, "Miss you too"
Tin didn't want to leave this place without making his boyfriend happy.

So he edged forward and cupped Can's jaw as he peppered him with small kisses all over his face. Can giggled as Tin kissed him all over. Tin pulled away with a last kiss on his forehead. Can looked comparatively happy now.
"Gotta go."

"Umm" Can hummed.

"Bye baby." Tin winked trying to make the situation light because he was feeling sad now. He didn't want to leave either.

Can stood on his tippy toes and reached forward as he placed a gentle kiss on Tin's cheek making him surprised with that. The tips of Tin's ears turned red as he stared at Can.

"Yeah bye. Now get outta here I need to work, you giant." Can joked, Tin laughed silently and ruffled his hair. He grabbed his things and left. Its gonna be a long week ahead.

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