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He is the first thought when I wake, the last when I sleep.

Even if all day I don't hear a peep.

He pushes my buttons and tries to break down my walls.

He said I'm the hardest puzzle of them all.

As much as I don't want it to be true,

he is just as hard to get through to.

He pushes me away,

he wont let me stay.

He is so close yet so far away.

Others call on him to help them,

yet no one helps him in return.  

I try and help him but each time I come close he runs away.

He is like a ghost to the world, he feels like a nobody.

But to me he has always been a somebody.

A somebody who has nobody but is surrounded by everybody.

His heart is made of gold,

but has been trampled on by lies and hoe's.

The feelings I try too keep at bay,

have made them stronger in every way.

I refuse to accept the truth,

but I am falling deep for you.

I know one day things may change, but now, now I have to keep myself at bay.

It hurts inside too think that he,

may be the only one for me.

As I have always understood you,

you have also understood me too...

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