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Attie ran up to him, her golden hair flying, her sapphire eyes twinkling. She tapped his shoulder, which was quite easy considering she was as tall as his shoulder, him being a fucking giraffe. His head snapped around, his amber eyes trained on her.

"Attie?" He said, raising his eyebrows. His eyes were red, and his hair messy enough to match James Potter. Dear Merlin, he looked an utter mess. He was usually so put together.

"I get it, you hate me now."  He said, his shoulders slumping, his head falling. She grabbed his chin, and kissed him. It was bliss, like floating on a cloud. He put his hands around her waist, pushing her against him. She had her hands in his hair, her finger tangled. It was a kiss filled with passion, and fire, and longing. Sweeter then chocolate. More intoxicating then fire whisky. It was a magical kiss, by a magical lake located in a magical school, in a magical world. When they finally stopped, she lay her head in his chest, letting the snow fall in her hair.

"So, you don't hate me? Even though I'm a monster?" He asked, looking down at the small blue eyed blondie in his arms.

"You are not a monster, you're kind and compassionate. And I could never hate you. Because I love you, Remus Lupin."


Attie opened her eyes, and gasped when she saw where they were. It was in a forest, and fireflies were in the air, giving it a magical quality. Remus grinned down at her, one of his hands in his pocket, his other clutching her tiny hand. He kissed her soft cheek, then shocked her by getting down on one knee. She gasped, tears springing in her eyes.

"Attie, I love you. Your just perfect. Your beautiful, and kind, and well you may not be the smartest, you are the most amazing person I've ever laid my eyes on. And it isn't much of a ring-" he then pulled a plain rose gold band with one ruby in it.

"But will you marry me?" He finished. She was now full on sobbing, her being overcome with emotion. She could only manage an eager nod, and he slipped the ring on Attie's finger. She hugged him, feeling his warmth. She held her head against his chest, feeling the amazing bliss of this moment settle around her.


Attie was sitting on the bench, munching on a chocolate chip cookie. Remus was out, visiting James, and she had opted to stay home. She didn't want baby Harry catching her flu. She got up, and took some chocolate meant for trick or treaters next week out of the pantry. She selected a chocolate frog, biting it's head off. She was busy wondering if a chocolate frog was vegetarian friendly, when she heard a blast come from the living room. She grabbed her cherry wood wand, and ran into the living room. She was greeted with the sight of Bellatrix LeStrange, Rodolphus LeStrange, and... Peter. She burned with rage and started yelling at Peter.

"They trust you! We trust you! And you betray us?!"

All of a sudden, she was in excruciating pain, and dropped her wand. Bellatrix levitated the now unconscious Attie out, and apparated with her to Malfoy Manor. That was the last time anyone saw Attie Olive.

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