Choice 1 - Richie

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"Sorry Eds, I already told Richie that I'd hit up some stores with him." I say frowning slightly.

"Ah, it's fine." He replied, smiling the same as earlier. "It's going to be incredibly boring anyway."

"All right well, g'bye Eddie." I said turning to walk away from him, and towards Richie.

"Hello again. You decided you want some Richie time y/n?" The boy said plainly.

"I guess so." I sighed, making it seem like I hadn't just declined someone else's offer to go with Richie.

"Well, we'd better get to it then." He said.

"Which store first?"

"I was thinking we could look through clothes first." Richie smiled. "That place right there."

"I didn't bring much money, but sure, we can check it out."

"I think you mean you can check ME out."

"If you say so." I replied, defeated. Where does he get the energy to do this constantly lmao. He winked and I immediately regretting agreeing with him.

After a bit of embarrassment, I smiled softly and walked across the street towards the shop I thought Richie had pointed at. Richie followed close behind, and I laughed aloud because I quite honestly didn't know where I was going.

Richie looked great in everything he tried on. I swear to god. He fit into the sizes perfectly. I'm always slightly too big or small, but Rich? These clothes look like they were tailed to him. The JEALOUSY.

I guess my awe showed because Richie spoke up to say, "Take a picture. You'll gasp longer." At first I though this was meant to be dirty, but I guess I had gasped when he put on this absolute find of a button-up. I bet he cleans up real nice 😫💅

He ended up buying it, and uh, yeah he looked so sick. Sorry. I'm just kind of freaking out right now... I would love to just-"Fuck!!!" I yelled so loud that most of the shoppers heard me."I forgot to tell my parents/mom/dad that I was going with you guys!!!" I said in a more hushed tone "They are/she is/he is probably freaking out right now!"

  "Oh. C-can I walk you to your house then?" Richie asked.

  "No, you may not walk my to my house." I scoffed. "But please, feel free to follow." I slipped him a friendly smile

  "Well then, lead the way Space-Case." He said

"Oh yeah, keep calling me that, Four-eyes. Just see where that gets you."

"Sawwy Baby." He said fwowning. Although I had expected an annoying wink, his response still annoyed me lol.

"I can't with you. I- just shush" I couldn't ignore the slight blush that rose to my cheeks. "I need to get home asap before my parental unit goes absolutely batshit."

"Well, I'm ready to go." He said, meandering towards the door. I nodded and followed him until we crossed the street. I then took his hand and started jogging in the direction of my house. His hand was so warm, and it calmed me down a bit. I was really worried because my mom/dad was definitely going to be mad at me.

We jogged for about a minute, and walked for three, before running a bit again. We were silent with a few exceptions.

When we finally got to my door we were both sweating. I tried desperately to look casual and care free while my heart was beating out of my chest from the adrenaline of it all.

"Wait, if your mom/dad is so over-protective, why'd you drag me here? Hanging out with a BOY, are you??????"

"Uhh first of all, i didn't DRAG ANYONE out here. I simply invited you to follow behind me, and you did so in your own free will. Secondly, just, ugh, I need you to not act so damn horny when you're around them. Please." I pleaded. He squinted and nodded. Hoping he would follow my instructions, I cautiously knocked on the door and waited for it to be opened.

"Jesus there you are!" My mom/dad said opening the door. "I was so worried! With so many missing children every year and you running off like this, you have to think that there's something about this town that makes the kids want to get lost." I saw Richie's eyes go wide and I felt bad because I realized he probably had to deal with a few disappearing friends during his life.

"I know, I'm so sorry. My friend Bev asked if I wanted to go with her and her friends downtown, and I agreed. I completely forgot that I didn't tell you!"

"It's fine. Just don't do it again, please. This town feels safe, but we have to be on the same page."

"I know. Sorry Mom/Dad." I said frowning slightly.

"Well anyhow, I'm glad you're okay honey." She/he said. "And who's this boy here?" She/he said looking at Richie.

"Ah. He's my friend Richie. He's lived here his whole life, so I asked him if he could come with me so I wouldn't get lost." I said looking at the boy. He was smiling awkwardly looking at my mother's/father's face. "Anyway, I'm going to put my backpack in my room and use the bathroom. Can Richie come in?" When I got a delighted little "or course!" in response, I said "C'mon Richie!" and grabbed his rough hand again, pulling him across the living room and up the stairs. He called out a little "thank you, Mr/Mrs l/n!!" I smiled and walked into the third door on the right and shut the door behind Richie.

"He/she seems really nice" He said after a moment.

"Yeah! It probably would've gone a little different if you hadn't been here." I said quietly chuckling at how smoothly that went and how nervous I was before. I pulled off my backpack quickly, letting it fall to the floor. I landed face down onto my bouncy bed and breathed out heavily. He plopped down next to me.
"I'm gonna go pee, but I'll be right back. Please, entertain yourself while I'm gone. Actually, that's a bad idea. Don't." I gave him a courteous bow and left

tbd lmao

    Oh mah gawd. I am so freakin tired now. I was already half asleep when writing this, and writing about the feeling of sleep, and the pleasure of giving in to the sleep just made me want to sleep more!!!! Also people, if you went with Richie, you got a much better experience in the story romantically. Eddie's trip to the pharmacy was pretty laid back and casual and frankly, boring. But I have to make up for it, so the next chapter is just a continuation of the previous Eddie chapter. So y'all shouldn't read it ☝️. So skip the next chapter and move along. Lmao. Also, holy cannoli, it was hard writing two storylines that simultaneously happen in different dimensions. Jk about the different dimensions, but entirely serious about the difficulty. Anyhoooo hope you enjoyedddddddd!

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