Chapter 7: Hey Moon

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(Dallon's POV)

"I have news about you friend." I quickly looked up at her. The tears stopped for a moment. I was not sure wether the news was going to be good or bad. "Is he okay?" I asked loudly, for I was anxious for an answer. "He's stable. Would you and your friends like to go see him?" The social worker asked us. We all nodded in perfect unison. "Thankyou miss." I said to her. "You're welcome, and call me Mara." She responded. "Okay, thank you again, Mara." I replied.

We followed Mara to recovery. What I thought had been only a half hour turned into three. It was almost four in the morning. I tried to call my parents once again. Finally, my mom answered.

(L= Leann (mom), D= Dallon)

L: "Dallon! Where the hell are you?"

D: "Umm... at the hospital."

L: "Why?"

D: "I-I...I found a boy in the street."

L: "Why was there a boy in the street honey?"

D: "I don't know for sure, but I think he was attempting suicide. But I saved him."

L: "Why do you think he wanted to commit suicide honey?"

D: "H-He asked me why I didn't let him die."

L: "Is he okay?"

D: "The doctors said that he was stable. I'm going in to see him now."

L: "Oh honey. I'm so sorry. Did you know the boy?"

D: "No. Can you come here? I need you."

L: "Of course. I'll be right there. Hey, and don't leave that kids side. It's clear that he needs someone."

D: "Okay I will. I love you."

L: "Love you too sweety."

(End of phone call)

The room that he was checked into was at the other end of the hospital, so it took a while to get there. The walk there was silent. I was nervous to see him. Eventually we arrived to his room. He was sound asleep in his hospital bed. I tiptoed over to him. I moved the hair out of his eyes. "OH MY GOD!!!" A voice from behind me yelled. "BRENDON!!!" He yelled once again. I turned around to see Ryan crying. He ran over and gave him a huge hug. " that you?" Brendon whispered. "You two know each other?" I asked. "Yeah, Brendon is my best friend." Ryan replied. I had no idea. Ryan cried loudly into Brendon's chest. "Who are you?" Brendon looked in my direction. "Hi, I'm Dallon Weekes." I introduced myself. "Why'd you save me? I did not want to be saved." The expression on Ryan's face changed hugely. He ran out of the room. Jon followed him and told me to stay with Brendon. "Why couldn't you just let me die?" He asked me once again. "I was trying to keep you from making a huge mistake." I explained, tears beginning to run again. "I can't do this anymore." he said, a tear escaping his eye. "Talk to me Brendon. I'm here for you." I said softly. "It's a long story."

(Ryan's POV)

I ran fast, and I ran far. Why would my Bren do that to himself. Does he even realize how many people he would be hurting. I ran outside the hospital. Tears caused my vision to be blurry. "HEY! WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING!" I was running so fast I ran into a lady going the opposite direction. I tried to keep running, but the lady grabbed me by the collar of my shirt. "HEY! WHATS YOU'RE NAME!!" she yelled at me. I turned around, tears still falling. "Oh my god are you okay?" she said pulling me in for a hug. "M-My friend tried to kill himself." I said back. She jumped back a few feet. "Wait, do you know Dallon Weekes?" She asked. "Yeah he's the one who saved him, wait how do you know him?" I asked her. "My name is Leann Weekes. He's my son. Why were you running?" she asked me. Just then a voice from afar yelled my name. It was Jon. He grabbed me by the wrist. "You don't just leave your best friend like that, especially at a time like this." I started to cry again. "He didn't even care about how everyone else would feel!" I yelled. "Well, you're just going to have to forget about it. He's here now and that's all that matters." Jon said back to me. "Fine." I said, chocking back my tears. Leann took my hand and walked with Jon and I back to the room.

(Brendon's POV)

Why couldn't he just let me die? He doesn't even know me. "Talk to me Brendon. I'm here for you." Dallon reassured me. "It's a long story." I said back. "I don't feel like revisiting those moments again." I said back trying to suppress the memories. "The only way you're going to feel better is if you open up. And if not to me, to someone else. What about your parents?" He said. Memories began to come into my mind. I started to hyper ventilate. Dallon grabbed my hand. "Calm down Brendon, you're safe here." he cooed into my ear. My breathing became steady again. I interlocked my fingers with his. I pulled him closer. "Please help me."

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