A New Era 🕰

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Dani was walking home one day. He gets out a plastic umbrella and walks out of the work building he's been wasting his life over. He walks through the streets of Augusta, Maine. He takes a shortcut like he usually does, through an alleyway that was quit narrow, but small enough to have his umbrella fit through. Something shiny catches Dani's eye, and he grabs it. It was a pocket watch, it was made out of some sort of metal material, and it was the most strangest thing. He checked the time on it, and it said on the glass instead of the time, "No time will be ahead of you in the future if you fix the past." He then blacks out without reason. Dani wakes up on something ticking, he feels like his clothes have been changed as it's a different fabric. He tries to wriggle out but can't. He looks around as he spots some other things like the same one he's on, and some gears down below. He then sees out through a window as he's moving, and he realizes he's in some sort of clock, and while looking out he also notices a big red velvet chair with a fireplace, that has fire blaring a burning hot blue. Dani yelled. "LET ME OUT!! HEY WHOEVER YOU ARE! LET ME OUT!" The person lets out their hand, and snaps his fingers. The door opens, and he's ejected straight out, and onto the floor. He gets up, and looks around. It seems to be a glass sphere... in space? It looks like space, but there's something off... Dani asks the person. "What am I doing here, who are you, Why am I here... and not in Maine?" The person then spoke in a deep husky manner. "You are here, because you have a mission. Save your friends, save the past that I messed up for my pleasure. If not, you can kiss your world goodbye, and you will have nowhere to live. The All-Time Museum is having a nightly grand opening, with one of the exhibits being some of your friends and some new faces as statues. People will know them as the greatest people in the world, while you know them as your friends. Make sure to break them out as you will need their help to save time, because time as we know it will be all in a twirl, and nothing but chaos will be reigning everywhere... so you best get to it..." Dani's emotions were getting overwhelmed, he will help them, and get them out while saving time in the process, and happily takes the mission. Dani nods. "Good... now. Wake up." He snaps, and Dani is in an airplane seat as the intercom says "You'll be arriving in Beijing International Airport Shortly..." Dani then looks around, and then thinks in his head. "What have I gotten myself into...."
Prologue END.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2019 ⏰

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