Chapter Five

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'Don't you have a job or something?'

'Indeed, but I don't need to worry about that today.' Richard was flipping eggs for breakfast, flouncing around the house with an authoritative glare. 'I'm spending today keeping you company, young sir. After all, you don't have a stable lifestyle yet.'

'Yeah, yeah,' Aaron groaned, mainly because he'd heard it all before. 'I'll find a job or something eventually. You can support us for now, though, so I'm not in a hurry.'

'If you say so, but money runs out. We don't have an endless supply.' These were probably the most sensible words that had ever tumbled out of Richard's mouth, and even he seemed dumbfounded by his own wisdom.

'Ahh, I guess...'

'After all, you have those girls to consider. If they defeat you financially, they'll gain the upper hand by physical means as well.'

'Richard, the eggs.'

The smell of burning was now evident on the crisp morning air. 'Ack!'

Rolling his eyes, Aaron replayed his disturbed night's sleep. He'd been haunted by frequent dreams, usually consisting of when his father sent him away in the first place. The memory was beginning to fade but wasn't keen on leaving him alone completely.

Sunlight peered through the blinds, basking the room in a white morning light.

Richard brought the burnt fried eggs into the living room, placing them delicately on the tiny coffee table. 'I'm not very good at cooking, Prince Amos, so I'm sorry if the meal is not to your tastes.'

'It's fine, I couldn't really care less.' Aaron shuffled closer to the hearty breakfast, supported by a furry green pillow.

'Are you enjoying your stay here so far?'

It was obvious that Richard was only trying to maintain a coversation, but Aaron wasn't about to scold him for it. 'It's not as sophisticated as the castle, but I'm getting used to it.'

'That's good!' Richard exclaimed, dragging his plate closer.

'Sorta,' Aaron agreed, stabbing at the yolk.

'What're you planning on doing today?' Richard pressed, apparently enjoying this off-topic discussion about nothing in particular. It was extremely out of character for two supernatural creatures to discuss the day's events over burnt eggs, but neither seemed to notice this.

'Well, I thought I'd just get used to household appliances and stuff. This house is pretty new to me and I'd rather spend time memorising the location and things like that.'


Aaron prodded at his uneaten egg, moving the fork in circular motions.

The phone chose that moment to announce its presence, playing the Girl Power! theme song on full blast.

After grabbing the phone, Richard couldn't hide his humiliation. 'H-Hello?'

Aaron snickered.

'...I see. And she personally requested to be sent home to us?' All traces of embarrassment gone, there was a new sense of urgency to Richard's tone.

Silence ensued as the phone call continued, Aaron hearing nothing but buzzing from the other end.

'...No, I can see why she did that. Tell her to come here immediately, and we'll provide her with new clothing and food. I apologise for her behaviour. Yes. Goodbye.' Richard placed the phone back in the receiver, his golden eyes narrowed.

Moments of silence. Then:

'Clever bitch.'

'Anyone important?' Even before asking the question, Aaron already had a solid idea on what the answer would be. His breakfast plate, utterly abandoned on the table, was thrown to the side as he burst past in order to sit beside Richard.

Between Four Worlds: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now