Cooking skills/drinks

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-he's a pretty good cook
-he cooks fancy food mostly
-he will cook ANYTHING you want
-You don't cook that much cause he thinks that you might get hurt or stressed out
-I drinks wine but drinks juice more
-he would probably would cook something that could feed a family with 20 people just for you
-"Yuri I really don't need-"
-"shhh. Dear, I will eat most of the food if you don't want it all so don't you worry"


-He can't cook that much
-He cooks really basic foods and foods easy to make
-You mostly cook cause you don't want him to burn the house
-he almost burned down the house
-like 15 times
-He doesn't drink any alcohol and drinks juice
-He feels sad cause he thinks he can't cook
-oh shit a fire
-You both put the fire out with water
-Now he's sad but you cheer him up
-Now you're hungry and he's sad again


-He is a really good cook
-he mostly cooks vegetables:(
-he will make sure you eat VERY healthy
-you cook sometimes but he cooks more
-drinks juice and beer
-He cooks meat with vegetables sometimes and when you don't eat the vegetables he gets worried
-"Eating vegetables is good for your health.... I don't want you to die...."
-Hajime, eating vegetables won't kill you, plus don't you think I ate too much?"


-He CANNOT cook
-You don't know how much times he almost burned the house
-you need to cook cause he can't
-he tried to cook many times but it he only was able to cook fire
-he drinks beer, juice, sometimes wine.
-he's sad cause he can't cook for his wife :(
-wait Shinji
-no no stop...
-he puts the fire out with a bucket of water
-you ran downstairs and see smoke, water all over the kitchen, and Shinji
-he's sad again


-Is actually really good a cooking even though he's lazy as hell
-He cooks anything he likes and anything you like
-You cook sometimes and he cooks sometimes
-doesn't drink alcohol that much, drinks juice sometimes
-when you don't want anymore food he eats the rest of it
-"Baabe, what are you doing...?"
-"Cooking dinner Syobai"
-"..I said that I was gonna cook dinner, you cooked breakfast already..."
-"I wanted to cook that's all"
-"mmmmm~ ok it better be good..Wake me up when food is ready"
-"Aren't you going to do the thing that someone requested?"
-"Done it already. I'm tired now.."


-He's a pretty good cook
-you mostly cook since he's a busy guy
-He cooks anything
-he drinks juice
-he sometime steals your food but then you steal his food for revenge
-"I'm home honey!"
-"Hey Nikei!"
-"Eh? Eating without me! That's not very nice!"
He steals some of your food
-"Hey stop stealing from my plate!"
-"Mmm, very good!"

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