Chapter 1- Hannah

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I always thought that life would be easy. When i was younger, I always wanted to grow up, just to know what my parents knows. Now that I'm there, it isn't appealing anymore with all those responsibilities that goes over board. Its seems like life is so hard. I often envy those people who knows exactly what they want to do with their life. You can say that I'm lost. I may be 17 years old but I have the mind of an 8 years old. How are we suppose to know what we want to do or even who we want to be? We're only in high school!

My best friend Julia, who thinks she got life ALL figured out, says that i'm this way because I haven't fallen in love with my "soul mate" yet. Yeah right! She might have a boyfriend, but it dosn't mean that she knows EVERYTHING about love. Far from there. Anyway, my focus is mainly on trying to succeed on whatever life gives me; therefore, I don't need some idiot trying to unbalanced everything.

.... .....

I woke up this morning and, for the first time in a while, smiled at the day ahead of me. I got cleaned up and when I got downstairs to the kitchen, gave a kiss to my little sister and prepared my peanut butter sandwich. My little sister, Melissa is the complete opposite of me. She is a year younger, but she knows exactly where she's headed in life, she has no difficulty in school, her grades are straight A's and she has a boyfriend its been 2 years now. Everything that I don't have. So I asked her, while buttering my toasts, :" How can you be so successful in life? What do you have that I dont?" She looked at me, surprised. "You work for it. Thats what I did. You work for what you want." She said, while taking a plate out of the pantry. "Interesting..." I said.

After eating my sandwich, I head out the door to meet Julia at her house. We carpool to school since we both have our liscence and that we praticly live next door. She was shocked when I came into the door with a big smile on my face.

"What happened now?" She ask.

"Nothing! Can I not have a smile on my face when I see my best friend?"

She looked at me, not convinced.

"I just have this feeling that today is gonna be a great day!" I said, full of excitement.

I really do feel like something is gonna happen today. And I'm ususally never wrong on that kind of stuff. Like the other day that I had this same feeling, I got a tray full of food all over my new favorite top. It was this guy that tripped over his own shoes and I got his potato salad and his tuna sandwich on me. I had to stay like that the whole day! The worst part was that he kept apologizing even when we got to history class at the end of the day.

On our way to school, we stopped at my dad's coffee shop like we always do. First, to see my father before leaving and second, to have our usual free hazelnut coffee. My dad was thrilled to see me in a energetic mood. We arrived at school like usual and greeted some of Julia's old friends and her boyfriend Brendon. I was talking to this girl I had gym class with when I got shoved by that same potato salad and tuna guy, but this time, he didn't even apologized. He walked away like some dopey kid who seemed lost. "Hey!" I yelled at him. "Watch where you're going!" He didn't even looked at me.

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