Chapter 2

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Have you was chilly out until you got phone call and answer it

Hello you said

(Y/N) COME TO THE HOSPITAL QUICKLY RIAS TRIED TO TAKE HER OWN LIFE grayfia yelled surprising you that rias of all people would try and commit suicide

Everyone including you ran over to the hospital to meet a with your father and mother with the ORC

What happens you asked

From what i could tell she's been bombed out ever since you said we could still be friends the reason she tried to get with me is because she was afraid of riser and ever since she's  been trying get you back And when you said we can just be friends i think that broke her issei said

All because me she did this i can't believe it you said

We never told you about the fight with riser but you start talking badd about you and rias lost it and almost blasted him before the rating games began grayfia said surprising you

It's true to the whole time doing the rating games you make her mad by talking bout about you to the point where she finally had enough and tried to fight him by herself and lost koneko said

And i fought against him and won but barely just so she could get back with you i already feel better why did i want to make it up to her and trying but to make it up to her and get her back to her normal self is you issei said

So she gets her  virginity taken in order to keep herself from marrying riser but she didn't need to do that surely had lost her virginity a month prior to that you said surprising everyone

Who took her virginity akeno said

Who do you think the person she was dating in the first place you said As everyone realized who you were talking about the one that took her virginity was you

Your never told us sirzechs said

That's not topic to get to the conversation you know you said

Still why would she ask you to do that if she's already taken in the first place erza said

I don't know sorry issei said

If you don't know about new she was with me why would you agree to it then you said

He looked away embarrassed when you smack him in the head

You just want to get to work for her chest am i right you said

I just got jealous that you had her I'm sorry issei said

It's in the past it's nothing we can do about that forgive and forget you said

The door opened and the doctor came in

We did everything we could shall be making a full recovery you can go see are now he said as you ran into her Room everyone was about to go when until your father stopped them

I think it's best he goes in alone you all should head back to the school grayfia will stay with them sirzechs said

Reluctantly everyone leaves except for your mother who waits in the waiting Room will you go to see rias

You get to her Room and she looks at you then looks away at the window with her wrist bandaged up

You should next to her and holds her hand but she pulls it away

Why what would cause you to take your own life he said and she starts crying uncontrollably


You put your hand over hers and she looks at you and says you smiling you lean over and hug her when she cries into your chest Crying until your mother came in

I think i know how she went to issei instead of you grayfia said

How you asked

I found the substance inside of her tea A potion of a control her someone put this in her drink i think i know who grayfia said

Tell me so i can find out why you said

Riser Phoenix's father lord Phoenix himself grayfia said surprising you and rias

It makes sense now he did nor to separate me and rias so his son to come in and take her as his bride of all the underhanded tactics they would resort to that they must have been desperate you said

Yes i have and do my own investigation on this since you left half a month ago and that's what my investigation has lead me to grayfia said

Take me to the Phoenix domain I have something I have to do you said

I know you want revenge position to way grayfia said

What makes you think I'm going to kill him that's too good for him just send me to his domain and call my father will take it from there you said as she teleports you to the Phoenix domain as 2 of the guards came

What is your business here the 1st guard

I'm (Y/n) (L/n) Adopted son of Lucifer investigation has led me to Lord to Phoenix I'm here to speak with him  SMS station May prove that he may lose his right the Phoenix family altogether and they be stripped of the title as members of the 72 pillars you said surprise in the guards

We won't let you win we have orders to keep you specifically out the 2nd guard said

That's to Bad because I'm ordering you to let him in a voice said they look to see your father and your peerage

Lord Lucifer what do we owe the pleasure the 1st guard said

Take us Lord Phoenix now all of us he said they scored you inside is Lord Phoenix is talking to his wife

Lord Phoenix you are under arrest for tampering with my son's girlfriend's tea Until for the notice you are stripped of your title as a member of the 72 pillars pending your trial sirzechs said surprising him and his wife

This is an outrage without me you can't get Phoenix tears so you can't do anything he said smirking only to get punched in the chest by you

Not true your wife has the power the Phoenix so we can still get the Phoenix tears though you're coming with us whether you like it or not you said dry camp over to your father is wrapped in chains by erza

This change will absorb your magic and use it against you he won't be able to escape erza said

(Y/n) i want you go back to rias and make up sirzechs said

I plan too is that other thing ready you asked

Yes it is I'll take miss scarlet and Marvel there now after I deal with Lord Phoenix your father said causing erza and wendy to look at you curiously

I had my father look up all the names of the fairy tail wizards you put them on a tombstone  Employ me a garden in the gramary territory so that way they can be remembered go with my father he'll take you there it's a way for me to honor your Guild you said surprising them

They go with him as you go to see rias Who's already back in your club Room doing paperwork you walk up to her and she stands up next thing you do you wrap your arms around her waist and kissed her on the lips shocking her then she melts into it and wraps her arms around your neck you pull away and she's crying in your chest happy to have you back

I'm sorry I'm so so sorry you said

No I'm sorry if i never drink that Tea  non of this would've happened rias said

It's ok it's over now what's your gather again and that's what matters you said smiling causing her to smile and hug you happy to have the man she loves back by herself

The rest of the day was pretty chill are then you have to help her and her household clean up the pool to make up for the help they they were given by the student council and sona But what was more important was having the girl you love back in your life and she was never leaving you again

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