Mall Meet

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I was having an amazing dream about eating expensive chocolate while riding a giant cat with Kim Taehyung, when I was rudely awoken by my phone ringing. Hearing my ringtone, "As If It's Your Last", I sat up and began singing along, still with my eyes shut. I soon got annoyed and picked up my phone to see who was bothering me so early in the morning.

The caller ID read, "Downgraded Taeyang". "What do you want?" I answered.

"Wow, I feel so appreciated," he replied.

"That's what happens when you wake me up early," I growled. "It doesn't matter if you're my best friend, Taeyong. I need my beauty sleep."

He mumbled something that sounded awfully similar to "It ain't gonna make anything better," and then spoke up and said, "Well, it's already noon, and we still need to go shopping for school."

I groaned and rolled around until I rolled off my bed and landed on the floor with a thud.

"You just fell off your bed, didn't you?" Taeyong asked.

I laughed and said, "What a true friend. You even know the sound of me falling on the floor."

"Well, it does happen a lot," he explained. "So anyway, let's go to the mall. I'll pick you up at one so you can get ready and eat."

"Okay. See you then," I confirmed.

"Okay, bye. Hate you," Taeyong cutely added.

"Hate you, too!" I said back.
I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and went downstairs to eat breakfast. Well, lunch I guess. Mom was at the kitchen counter making sandwiches.
"You slept a long time," Mom observed.

"Yup," I answered. "Taeyong's coming to pick me up at one to go shopping."

"Okay, but make sure to clean up," Mom suggested. "You look like a mess."

I scrunched my nose like my brother (it seems to run in the family) and said, "Way to be supportive of your daughter."

"Oh!" Mom exclaimed, her eyes widening. "And you should bring Doyoung along with you. I'm sure he hasn't had time to get things for since he's been busy with moving. Go and call him." I groaned and was about to protest when she interrupted with, "And if you don't, I'll just tell Taeyong not to come."

I pouted and finally said, "Fine." Mom looked at me expectantly so I took out my phone and called Doyoung.

"Hello?" he answered. His voice was low and husky like he'd recently woken up.

"Hey, it's Melody," I told him. Then before he could say anything else, I added, "My mom suggested that you come with my friend and I to go shopping for school. He's coming in an hour to pick me up."

I heard him sigh and then he said, "Well if your mom said that, I guess I should. I'll come over after I get ready." And with that, he hung up.

I pouted and said, "He's coming," to Mom.

She smiled and said, "This will be good for you all to bond."
"This isn't team bonding, Mom," I told her and took a bite of my sandwich.

I finished getting ready and went downstairs to wait for Taeyong by the front door. I heard a knock on the door and ran to greet my bestie. I opened the door and was greeted by a disappointment. Well, not a complete disappointment because I can't deny that he's some pretty sweet eye candy. He didn't even say "hi" but asked, "When is this friend of yours coming?"

"Good morning to you too, Doyoung," I murmured. "He should be here about now," I answered.

As if right on cue, there was a knock on the door. I giggled and ran to open it. Standing there was my amazing, very attractive, mom-like best friend, Lee Taeyong.

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