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Haechan has had his eye on Taeil ever since the first day of high school.

Taeil was cute and kind and extremely smart unlike Haechan who was just on average.

Because of Taeil's smartness he ended up being placed in the advanced class and Haechan was put in with the mainstream kids. This meant evidently that they had no classes together during the first few years at high school because there were no electives.

Both Taeil and Haechan fell into different social cliques. Taeil and his friends are the type to choose study over play, and a get together for Taeil and his friends is usually a study group session. Haechan's friends on the other hand are the type to be a bit rowdy and cheeky and choose to go do something fun rather than study. That being said Haechan is passionate about studying and wanting to get good grades so his friends call him the "Smart one" and he does indeed usually get the best grades in his group.

Haechan and his friends like to play soccer at lunch, and they're are all on the soccer team. They like to show off when the girls are watching and are known to be big flirts.

Well except for Haechan.

Haechan is a bit of an odd duck in his group. Although he flirts with girls, he's very much hiding his true feelings and personality. Truth is, he's gay, though he tries to hide it for fear of what the team would think of him. What everyone would think of him. Would he even be allowed to stay on the team if they all knew he was gay? Haechan doesn't want to risk his and the teams reputation.

Haechan's friends always try to help set him up with cute girls but he's not interested. He only has eyes for one boy. Taeil.

Haechan thinks that he 100% doesn't stand a chance at winning Taeil's heart. How can a smart, handsome and confident straight person like Taeil possibly be gay? Haechan is forever nervous at what others would think of him liking a boy. He believes that if he confessed his true feeling's to Taeil he'd be rejected, he'd be laughed at, Haechan doesn't want that. So he locked his heart away. Almost.

Although Haechan doesn't have the confidence to confess to Taeil he does express his thoughts and feelings through little notes. Things that he would say if he could, but can't.

The first note he ever left was on valentine's day. He was running an errand for a teacher and made his way into an empty classroom, he knew that that room was Taeil's and his eyes immediately fell on his desk to which an array of little presents had already been left by lovesick girls. Since no one was around he decided to leave his own.

He simply pulled out a blank piece of paper and wrote

I like you

And signed it with a drawing of the sun, folded it and put it in with the collection of other gifts. Haechan wanted to say it at least once and this seemed like a good opportunity, Taeil would never know.

By pure coincidence later on that very same valentine's day, Haechan overheard a conversation between Taeil and one of his friends in the hallway after school.

"So what's your favourite? You got handwritten letters, chocolate, a bear, a mix tape. Like who the heck makes mix tapes anymore? Are you going to follow up on any of them?"

Taeil snorted back a laugh "To be completely honest I don't really care for all this stuff, I appreciate it, but it's all just too much for me"

Haechan sighed from where he was hiding and listening in

"It's too much for you? You get free stuff and that stuff comes with confessions from girls. They line themselves up in droves, and you have the choice of picking the one you like!"

Taeil shook his head "If they like me they can tell me to my face, and why does it have to be on valentine's day? And are the gifts even necessary?"

"It's more romantic that way duh."

"I just want someone to say it to my face, not give me a bear and a handwritten letter the size of an essay to decipher"

"Ahh seriously Tae your no fun. Just pick one then, just one gift that if you were in the mood would choose to follow up on"

Taeil looked at the gifts he'd stuffed in a bag. He reached in and pulled out a piece of paper, Haechan's piece of paper. "I'll pick this one, it simply says 'I like you' and has a drawing of the sun"

Taeil's friend gave Taeil a questioning face "They didn't leave a name or number though..."

"I like the simplicity and the mystery" Taeil shrugged and put Haechan's note back in the bag.

Taeil and his friend started talking about something else and Haechan tuned out of the conversation. Haechan felt weird that Taeil didn't like the novelties of valentine's day, but he felt warm and happy inside knowing that Taeil had picked his gift as his favourite.

A month passed before the thought of giving Taeil another note crossed Haechan's mind. He'd once again overheard a conversation, and this conversation had been about Taeil feeling nervous about an upcoming test that was worth 50% of his grade. Haechan wished he could just wish Taeil good luck in person, but other than being in the same year at school they were practically strangers. Therefore it would be weird to approach him and wish him luck.

So instead Haechan wrote another note...

Good luck on your test today!
You can do it!

Once again he signed it with a sun drawing and this time he slipped the note into Taeil's locker.

He watched from afar later on as Taeil opened his locker, found the letter, and to Haechan's pleasure, smiled, Taeil's nervous face he'd been wearing melting away.

Haechan liked seeing Taeil smile, particularly because his note had been the cause of the smiling.

So just like that Haechan started to leave more notes to see if he could get a reaction from him.

He wasn't confessing his feelings, he didn't have the confidence for that, and he never mentioned liking Taeil in any of his notes like he had done on valentine's day. He only ever left little motivational notes of encouragement, kind words to lift Taeil's spirits if it looked like he was having a bad day and occasionally jokes that made Taeil not just smile but also laugh. He was happy to live off the reaction that he got from Taeil every time Taeil read one of his notes.

If Taeil was happy, so was Haechan.


Taeil was thrown off a little in the beginning when he first started receiving the notes. The notes were always signed with a sun and that sun had also been signed on the first note he'd received from the mystery person on Valentine's day who had said that they liked him.

It made Taeil happy knowing that someone was thinking about him and that was keeping an eye out for him. But he was conflicted.

Taeil has huge crush on a particular someone, someone he'd really like to confess to but doesn't have the confidence to. Taeil knows that whoever is leaving the notes likes him, but he wishes he knew who they were from so he could tell them that he wasn't interested.

He liked the gifts, but he felt guilty receiving them because he wants to give his heart to is crush not this mystery person.

𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐟𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 • 𝐓𝐚𝐞𝐡𝐲𝐮𝐜𝐤Where stories live. Discover now