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It was the final year of high school and they had some electives with each other now and Haechan was able to watch Taeil more closely. He was even on speaking terms kind of. If Haechan entered the classroom and Taeil was in there he'd say "Hi", and on very rare occasions make small talk, but mostly conversation always about whatever the class was.

But Haechan was freaking. He knew they'd be finishing up at school and going off to college in less than a month and he'd probably never see Taeil again after high school. He felt stupid that he'd kept his sexuality a secret, that he'd never told Taeil how he felt, and had only watched and admired him from afar.

Haechan finally drummed up the courage to ask Taeil to meet officially in person. It was now or never. He just wanted to make his feelings known, even if it meant Taeil surely rejecting him. He still cared what everyone around him would think, but part of him only really cared what Taeil thought of him.

Haechan mentally flipped his shit as he scrawled out a note one sunny afternoon telling Taeil that he wanted to meet him in person and made his confession once again.

I like you.
Can we meet?
4.00 o'clock, Friday under the big oak tree at the park near our school.
I'll wait for until the sun sets.
If you don't show I'll assume you're not interested and I'll leave you alone so we can go our separate ways.

He battled with his mind as he walked to Taeil's locker as he always did, internally screaming as he shook like a leaf and slipped the note through the slit in the locker door.

"What have I done?" He yelled to himself as he fled the scene.

It was Friday and Haechan had rushed out of school and over to the park, nervous to see whether Taeil would actually show or not.

He wandered past school kids with their backpacks getting picked up and heading home. His legs were shaky and his palms were sweaty.

Haechan looked at the time on his phone


Haechan looked at the ground as a turned through the gate that led into the park. He slowly brought his eyes up and scanned the scene looking for Taeil, wondering whether he'd be early.

Haechan's gaze fell on a particular figure in the distance. "He actually came" he thought to himself, his heart going into over drive as it pounded in his chest.

The spurt of confidence he'd had when he slipped the note into Taeil's locker was all but gone, he was so panicked that he nearly didn't come today, he knew though that if he didn't come he'd regret it.

Taeil was looking at his phone, his back pack beside his feet. Haechan started to approach him from behind.

"He's either going to like me or he's not. . Let's do this" Haechan told himself trying to hype himself up. He was nervous, but he was ready.

Haechan came up behind Taeil.

Taeil felt a tug on his jacket sleeve and a shy voice said "Taeil?". He went to turn but was immediately told to "Stop!"

Haechan panicked as he looked at Taeil's back. He wrapped his arms around Taeil pressing his face into his back so Taeil couldn't see his.

Taeil froze as arms enveloped him and two hands locked in place over his chest. He'd never been in a situation like this and had no idea what to do so he just stood.

Haechan mustered up the courage to speak, though his voice came out all squeaky and shaky. "I know you don't know me. . .Well you do know me, but you've probably never noticed me, we're in the same year at school and have some electives together. . ."

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